Combating Childhood Obesity in America -

Combating Childhood Obesity in America Combating Childhood Obesity in America.

Join us in supporting OCW and help us change the way we care about obesity. Learn How you can be part of the solution to stop weight bias! Join us in celebrating the Obesity Action Coalition's 15th anniversary by making a donation today! The Obesity Action Coalition, OAC, is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to giving a voice to the Obedity of Americans affected by the disease of obesity and empowering them along their journey toward better health.

Your support fuels our mission.

We Are Here for You During COVID-19!

When you participate, advocate and donate, you help us to create a better world for the more than 93 million Americans affected by the disease of obesity. With your help, we can continue to elevate and empower those affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support. Donate Today! More Ways to Give. Sign-up to stay connected to our mission, latest news, events, ways to get involved, information and all things OAC!

Get Connected! Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U. Also known as African American History Month.

Combating Childhood Obesity in America

Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Sinceevery U. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating Black history. Focusing on your heart health has never been. Focusing on your heart health has never been more important. When we take care of OurHearts as part of our self-care, we set an example for those around us to do the same. Inspire and motivate yourself and those you love to make heart health a regular part of your self-care routine.

Call To Action HTML

The goal of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week NEDAwareness is to shine the spotlight on eating disorders by educating the public, spreading a message of hope, and putting lifesaving resources. The goal of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week NEDAwareness is to shine the spotlight on eating disorders by educating the public, spreading a message Combating Childhood Obesity in America hope, and putting lifesaving resources into the hands of those in need. Originally founded inOCW Obesity Care Week has a global vision for a society that understands, respects and accepts the complexities of obesity and values science and clinically-based care. February 28 Sunday am - March 6 Saturday am.

Your tax-deductible donation helps the OAC to raise awareness, advocate for improved access, provide evidence-based education, fight to eliminate weight bias and discrimination and elevate the conversation of weight and its impact on health.

Let’s Stop Weight Bias!

Learn More. Fighting to eliminate weight bias and discrimination. Elevating the conversation of weight and its impact on health. Offering a community of support for people affected. Make a difference today. Key Dates Current Month. Event Details Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role Combating Childhood Obesity in America U.

Time 1 Monday am - 28 Sunday am. Calendar GoogleCal. Event Details The goal of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week NEDAwareness is to shine the spotlight on eating disorders by educating the public, spreading a message of hope, and putting lifesaving resources.

Combating Childhood Obesity in America

Event Details The goal of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week NEDAwareness is to shine the spotlight on eating disorders by educating the public, spreading a message of hope, and putting lifesaving resources into the hands of those in need. Time 22 Monday am - 28 Sunday pm.]

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