Defining Ecotype Via Analysis Of Ecological Speciation -

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Jean Cury and colleagues have developed a protocol to simulate bacterial evolution in SLiM. In contrast to existing methods that depend on the coalescent, SLiM simulates evolution forward in time. SLiM has, up to now, mostly been used to simulate the evolution of eukaryotes Haller and Messerbut has been adapted here to simulate evolution in bacteria. Forward-in-time simulations are usually computationally very costly. To circumvent this issue, bacterial population sizes are scaled down. One would now expect results to become inaccurate, however, Cury et al. Simulations were analyzed and compared to existing methods in simple and slightly more complex scenarios where recombination affects evolution.

Speciatoon all scenarios, simulation results from coalescent methods fastSimBac De Maio and Wilsonms Hudson and scaled-down forwards simulations were very similar, which is very good news indeed.

Defining Ecotype Via Analysis Of Ecological Speciation

To address this question the manuscript Defining Ecotype Via Analysis Of Ecological Speciation with a very neat example of what exactly is possible with forwards simulations that cannot be achieved using existing methods. The situation modeled is the growth and evolution of a set of 50 bacteria that are randomly distributed on a petri dish. One side of the petri dish is covered in an antibiotic the other is antibiotic-free. Over time, the bacteria grow and acquire antibiotic resistance mutations until the entire artificial petri dish is covered with a bacterial lawn. This simulation demonstrates that it is possible to simulate extremely complex e. Hence, forwards simulators could significantly help us to understand what current models can and cannot explain in evolutionary biology. Genetics,— Molecular Biology and Evolution, 36, — Bioinformatics, 18, — The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is an important model system for the study of cooperation and multicellularity as is has both unicellular and aggregative life phases.

In the aggregative phase, which typically occurs when nutrients click the following article limiting, individual cells eventually gather together to form a fruiting bodies whose spores may be dispersed to another, better, location and whose stalk cells, which support the spores, die.

This extreme form of cooperation has been the focus of numerous studies that have revealed the importance genetic relatedness and kin selection Hamilton ; Lehmann and Rousset in explaining the maintenance of this cooperative collective behavior Strassmann et al.

Gossip, Deception and Competition Definition Biology

However, Defining Ecotype Via Analysis Of Ecological Speciation remains unknown with respect to how the interactions between individual cells, their neighbors, and their environment cooperative behavior at the scale of whole groups or collectives.

In this preprint, Forget et al. Spore bias, which is the tendency of a particular genotype or strain to disproportionately migrate to the spore instead of the stalk, is often used to define which strains are "cheaters" positive spore bias and which are "cooperative" negative spore bias. Forget et al. Spore bias is also affected by the social environment where the fraction of cheater strains in a spore may be limited by the ability of the remaining stalk cells to support the spore. The social environment can also affect cells through their differential responsiveness to the chemical factors that induce differentiation into stalk cells; responsiveness is partly a function of nutrient quality Thompson and Kaywhich in turn can be a function of cell density.

Thus, Forget et al. The cellular-level interactions that Forget et al. For example, Forget et al.

Defining Ecotype Via Analysis Of Ecological Speciation

Evolutionary analyses often assume some of these timescales, for example developmental and behavior, are separate in order to simplify the analysis of any interactions. Thus, new theoretical work that allows these timescales to overlap may shed light on how cellular-level interactions can produce environmental, physiological, and behavioral feedbacks that drive the evolution of cooperation and other collective behaviors.

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Forget, M. HAL, hal, ver. Hamilton, W. The genetical evolution of social behaviour. Journal of theoretical biology, 7 1 Kuzdzal-Fick, J.]

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