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Dreams And The Subconscious Dreams

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Dreams And The Subconscious Dreams

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Throughout my whole life since I was a little kid, I have always had the most bizarre and vivid dreams. Just a few years ago I discovered lucid dreaming and gained the ability to control my dreams and what I said or did in my dreams without waking up. Below I will be typing word for word a dream that I had on the night of January 8, I know this dream was important not only because it was chalk full of symbolism, but it was the most aware of my surrounding I have ever been in a dream. Not to mention, when I woke up, there was no doubt in my mind that I needed to write everything I remembered immediately. So, without further adieu, here is the dream. Keep in mind it was a dream so most of this will be chaos. I lucid dreamed last night.

Dreams What Your Subconscious Wants to Tell You

You can learn to unlock your dreams and bring them to your conscious mind to process. Learn the practices of recalling dreams, lucid dreaming, dream journaling, and proven dream techniques that include active imagination, meditation, dream group therapy, and ancient dreaming.

Dreams And The Subconscious Dreams

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Dreams And The Subconscious Dreams

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