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Dress Code

Dress Code - absolutely

This was especially noteworthy because the NBA became the first major professional sports league to implement such a rule, although National Hockey League rules state that a player is supposed to wear a jacket and tie to games and on charters if not told otherwise by the head coach or general manager. Stern's dress code stated that all players must dress in business or conservative attire while arriving and departing during a scheduled game, on the bench while injured, and when conducting official NBA business press interviews, charity events, etc. The new dress code banned fashions most often associated with hip-hop culture , specifically: jerseys, jeans , hats, do-rags , T-shirts, large jewelry , sneakers and timber boots specifically, Timberland -type boots. This particular clothing is not allowed to be worn by players to interviews, games on and off the bench , charity events, or any other occasion affiliated with the NBA and its developmental league currently the G League. Violators of the dress code are fined and may be suspended with repeat offenses. Under current NBA dress regulations, if a player does not dress to participate in a game, he must dress in a manner suitable for a coach. Dress Code Dress Code

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Certification of Passing and Board Rating. Posted on 14 December, Other News. Rescheduling of the April ]

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