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Eighteenth Century English Literature Video

The 18th Century Eighteenth Century English Literature

Holland and England are now producing the magnificent ocean-going merchant vessels known as East Indiamen. Charles II, the childless king of Spain. Go to Philip V — in World Encyclopedia 1 ed.

Eighteenth Century English Literature

Peter the Great sets up numerous schools and commercial enterprises to enable Russia to compete in Europe. The Act of Settlement declares that no Catholic may inherit the English crown. Go to Settlement, Act of in World Encyclopedia 1 ed. The Augustan Age begins in English literature, claiming comparison with the equivalent flowering under Augustus Caesar.

Eighteenth Century English Literature

Go to Anne — in World Encyclopedia 1 ed. German chemist Georg Stahl coins the name phlogiston for the substance believed to be released in the process of burning. Go to phlogiston theory in A Dictionary of Physics 6 ed.

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Peter the Great falls for a Lithuanian serf, Catherine, who becomes his life-long companion. The tenth Sikh guru, Gobind Rai, names as his successor the sacred book known as the Granth. The duke Eighteenth Century English Literature Marlborough wins a major victory over the French at Read article, capturing twenty-four battalions and four regiments.

The death of Aurangzeb introduces the long period of decline of the Mughal empire. The Act of Union merges England and Scotland as 'one kingdom by the name of Great Britain', a century after the union of the crowns. The Tatler launches a new style of journalism in Britain's coffee houses, followed two years Eighteentb by the Spectator.

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Alexander Selkirk, the inspiration for Robinson Crusoe, is discovered Litertaure a Pacific island where he has survived alone for nearly five years. Abraham Darby at Coalbrookdale discovers the use of coke in the smelting of pig Eighteenth Century English Literature. In a friendly keyboard contest in Rome between Handel and Domenico Scarlatti, the result is a draw — Handel being the winner on the organ and Scarlatti on the harpsichord. Thomas Newcomen creates a piston steam engine, with the steam condensed in the cylinder by a jet of cold water. Christopher Wren's new domed St Paul's cathedral is completed in London.

Eighteenth Century English Literature

Machines are thrown out of the window of a Spitalfields factory, in an early protest against industrialization. Handel's Eighteenth Century English Literature in London with his opera Rinaldo prompts him to settle in Britain. Alexander Pope's Rape of the Lock introduces a delicate vein of mock-heroic in English poetry. The tsar formally marries Catherine, his mistress for nearly ten years though they may have married secretly five years earlier.

The violinist Archangelo Corelli composes his Christmas Concertothe best known of his influential group of twelve Concerti Grossi. The emperor Charles VI issues a Pragmatic Sanction, declaring that the remaining Habsburg empire can be inherited through the female line.]

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