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Greening Energy Marketing

Below is the Jan. Amid all the news of the climate tipping in a dangerous direction, there's a bright spot: Public attitudes seem to be tipping toward willingness to address the problem. In a survey of 1. Development Programme, nearly two-thirds of respondents considered climate change a global emergency. And people with more formal education tended to see climate change as critical, regardless of the country Greening Energy Marketing which they live.

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Those results echo a recent comment by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, who called climate change a global problem that requires the commitment and collective response of all humanity, as Junno Arocho reported for Catholic News Service. The Greenijg of the study, called "The Peoples' Climate Vote," chose a novel method for gathering Greening Energy Marketing, distributing the survey in 17 languages through game apps on mobile devices, and they acknowledge that the method did not result in a representative sample.

Nevertheless, the Marketign said, the response sends a signal to policymakers that citizens want their countries to take stronger action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That message comes at a critical moment, as countries are expected to commit to more ambitious emissions-reduction targets by COP26, the U. Of the respondents who considered climate change an emergency, six out click here 10 said governments should do all they can, urgently, to address the crisis. Two out of 10 opted for slower action and more study, while the other two said Enerty should be done or the world is doing enough already. The sense of urgency was greater in higher-income countries and small island nations, but still shared by more than half the respondents in middle- and low-income countries.

So what would they like their governments to do? Of a list of 18 areas that could be targeted for solutions, conserving forests and land scored highest, followed by using renewable energy and climate-friendly farming techniques, investing more in green jobs and businesses, and using Greening Energy Marketing electric vehicles.

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Keeping oceans and waterways clean, reducing Greening Energy Marketing waste, making companies pay for their pollution, and making buildings more energy efficient followed on the list. Promoting plant-based diets ranked lowest, and supporting local communities, Indigenous people and women who are environmental stewards also drew little support. That raises a red flag for me. Cattle ranching is a key driver of deforestation in the Amazon basin, and the people who defend their forests run a constant Greening Energy Marketing of harassment and murder.

So food choices can't be unlinked from sustainable forest and land use, which scored highest on the list. That message came through strongly at the Synod for the Amazon and may be a good topic for reflection and action by faith groups this Read article. There is high overall support for renewable energy, and people in higher-income countries backed greater investment in green businesses and jobs. In countries like Brazil and Indonesia, where a large share of greenhouse gas emissions come from destruction of forests for ranching or plantations, there was majority Greening Energy Marketing for forest and land conservation. Regulating companies — making them pay for their pollution and provide more information to help consumers make climate-conscious purchasing decisions — also received solid backing.

And almost all the respondents in highly urbanized countries supported the use of clean transportation, such as electric vehicles and bicycles. Climate-friendly farming drew high overall support, but mixed results in countries where agriculture is a key economic sector. There was also support for infrastructure to protect against disasters — though not, oddly, for early-warning systems. And reducing food waste was more popular than increasing energy efficiency. The study may not be rigorously scientific, but it provides some guideposts for both policymakers and climate advocacy groups.

Greening Energy Marketing

You might want to compare the geographic results with a new interactive map of climate change risks around the worldpublished this week by The New York Times. To add another dimension, check out this 3D visual representation of population growth over the past three decades to see how many people live in areas of greatest Greening Energy Marketing. The new " Ecumenical and Interreligious Guidebook: Care for Our Common Home " bears a second mention here for parishes and other faith groups seeking ways Greeningg living out " Laudato Si'. What resources will your parish or faith group use this Lent to deepen your prayer and broaden your action on climate and environmental issues?

Greening Energy Marketing

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