Impact Of Globalization On Foreign And Local -

Impact Of Globalization On Foreign And Local - obviously were

Home current Study Writing Homework Help. Download This Document. Research Project. As per current scenario, concept of globalization has developed due to advancement in technologies, transportation, communication. It directly contribute in increasing international trade, ideas and culture through which organizations can easily operate their activities at global level with the aim of attaining success. Mainly, it is integration of economics, market, culture, industries around the world How Globalization Affects Developed Countries, Impact Of Globalization On Foreign And Local

One of the more unfortunate aspects of globalization is the ease with which human labor is acquired and moved across international boundaries.

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This has resulted in the devastating consequence of international human sex trafficking. The globalization process, especially the break up of the Soviet Union and the creation of dozens of small, unstable Eastern European countries has created millions of poor people who are eager to do anything for work. As this paper will demonstrate, human sex trafficking is pernicious and well-organized. Only a dedicated and coordinated international effort can combat this industry which earns billions of dollars every year.

Much like earlier eras were representative of events and circumstances of their time i. This had the effect of creating a far more relaxed and lucrative international marketplace. Millions GGlobalization people are seeking to get out of these small, poor countries where they perceive and perhaps rightly so Impact Of Globalization On Foreign And Local there are no true opportunities for stable, ongoing work.

In addition to the heads of families seeking work, so too are young people who have visions of living in cities like London, Paris, New York, and Los Angeles. Young girls are especially vulnerable when hear of fake opportunities Impach become models, waitresses, and actresses. Visions of being movie stars, or appearing on the covers of famous magazines dance in their heads, and it is all too easy for those criminals who run trafficking rings to entice them into their fold. The business of human trafficking has literally become one of the biggest profit-making enterprises in the world, second only to drug running.

Impact Of Globalization On Foreign And Local

However, prostitution Ad sex slavery is the biggest enterprise of human trafficking in young women and girls. The numbers of girls and women trafficked is very difficult to analyze statistically because of the heinous ways in which they are taken. Many are abducted, enticed and sometimes even sold by poor families who are desperate for money.

Even when some victims do happen to escape or come into contact with law enforcement officials, they are skeptical of dealing with the law.

Impact Of Globalization On Foreign And Local

Most of the girls and women who are trafficked come from countries where law enforcement is corrupt. Therefore they have an innate mistrust of law enforcement officials. There are numerous issues at stake in the problem of human sex trafficking. First, there are human rights issues, there is the need to make international human migration more humane and there is definitely a need to develop humane and sensitive programs for those women and girls who end up in shelters, emergency Impacct, and mental health facilities. Due to the expansion of international non-government organizations i.

Impact Of Globalization On Foreign And Local

However, a negative side effect of this global political scene is that more countries than ever became interdependent on each other. Trade routes that were previously closed i. A primary issue over human sex trafficking has been the difficulty in creating a consensus over a definition.]

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