Mark Zuckerberg And Facebook 3 The Impact -

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Mark Zuckerberg And Facebook 3 The Impact

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The social network is already under fire for scandals involving election meddling and data privacy. Now its top leaders have come under the microscope.

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Facebook is back in the hot seat after The New York Times published a more than 5,word investigative report about how its executives responded to a series of scandals. The latest revelations come at a bad time for the world's largest social network, which is already having a rough year. From combating election meddling and hate speech to dealing with a massive security breach, the tech giant's woes keep piling up.

Mark Zuckerberg And Facebook 3 The Impact

It's trying to rebuild trust with its more than 2 billion monthly active users, but it also faces the potential of more regulation from lawmakers. The report was a biting criticism of their leadership, raising new questions Impzct them, here role at Facebook and the company's future.

The executives "ignored warning signs and then sought to conceal them from public view," the paper wrote. They were also "distracted by personal projects and passed off security and policy decisions to subordinates.

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Facebook tried to "deflect blame" and "mask" the extent of a data privacy scandal that came to light in March. Cambridge Analytica, a UK consulting firm, harvested the personal data of roughly 87 million Facebook users without their permission. The paper also said Facebook knew about Russian activity on the platform as early as springmore than a year before the company alerted the public.

Sandberg clashed with Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos, who's since left the company, over how to handle the problem, according to the Times.

Mark Zuckerberg And Facebook 3 The Impact

Meanwhile, Facebook executives were apparently wrapped up in protecting the social network's To do that, the Times said, the company resorted to "aggressive" lobbying tactics and tapped its Washington connections to shift blame to tech rivals and ward off critics. At one point, the company hired a firm known for opposition research, Definers Public Affairs, which tried to discredit critics by linking liberal billionaire George Soros to activists protesting Facebook. Facebook is the planet's biggest social network.]

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