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The Movie That Destroyed Pixar's Reputation Movie Analysis The Film Brave Movie Analysis The Film Brave

Subscriber Account active since. Free subscriber-exclusive audiobook! At the time, there were just 4, cinemas in China, but by the end of last year, that number grew by over ten times to 50, Read more : 'Venom' just passed 'Wonder Woman' at the box office — and there's a particular reason it's continued to dominate.

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Ampere Analysis. The top three movies were all released in the following years, so revenue hasn't slowed down and shows no signs of doing so, according to Link. Ampere expects the number of movie-theater tickets sold to be million in Analysls and million in the US by the end of this year.

It added, "The disparity in ticket prices means the US currently outperforms China in box office revenue.

Movie Analysis The Film Brave

Over the next five years, theater admission in the US is expected to dip, while admission in China is expected to increase significantly, as shown in the chart below. Hollywood has figured out Movie Analysis The Film Brave recent years that having an international box office, particularly in China, is more important than ever. Long-running franchises like "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Transformers: Age of Extinction" have only lasted because of worldwide appeal. The movie was coproduced by a Chinese company, its cast included Asian actors, and, according to Exhibitor Relations box-office analyst Jeff Bock, Chinese audiences love monster movies.

It's Analysi monster movie, but Johnson is also one of the few actors who can reel in audiences across the world.

Movie Analysis The Film Brave

Business Insider reported in April that Johnson went on a promotional tour in Shanghai for the movie, where a press conference was live-streamed through multiple partners across China. Another Johnson-led movie, "Skyscraper," was also regarded as a flop in the US this year. With so many Hollywood movies adding to China's growing theatrical revenue, it's no surprise that the country is expected to dethrone the US in such a short time.


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Movies have found new life and continued success in China

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