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Operations Management Assignment

Operations Management Assignment Video

Assignment of operations management Operations Management Assignment

Operations management is core business process that directly relates to the manufacturing of goods or services. However, the process of converting resources into finished products or services is extremely complex and instrumental to the success of the business.

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Hence, operations management is undertaken to manage this task, which is to oversee and direct resource allocation and utilisation in manner where the company meets its goals and objectives. In other words, operations management helps configure company resources in an effective way, which Operations Management Assignment maximum value for both the firm and its customers. While, operations management covers various functions within the firm, the common roles that it plays within a firm is measurement, planning, communication, resource allocation, monitoring, and analysis Slack et al. Measurement and monitoring— This involves the utilisation of strategic measuring tools to help assess various production functions. Through measurement key aspects of production like quality, quantity and specifications can be continuously measured. While, it also allows the firm the measure productivity of the workers and pick up inefficiencies within the system Stevenson and Hojati, Hence, an assessment on current skills and capabilities,to help develop or adopt new ones, is acommon example Krajewski et al.

Communication — Arguably, one of the biggest role played by operations management is communicating between various firm processes, departments or sections in order to ensure smooth function of the production process Kleindorfer et al. While, this may seem relatively straight forward, product design is highly complex and time consuming. This is because product design involves many Operations Management Assignment such as:.

Operations Management Assignment criteria: This type of operation system involves activities like marketing, production, quality control, accounting Important Trends Of Health Care Technology design. Hence, product design must be undertaken keeping in mind costs, material availability, function, reliability, company goals, quality standards, market demands and customer satisfaction Fugate et al. Limitation: That being said, budget limitations, innovation, creativity, technology, narrowed customer segments and product price can severe limit product design.

In other words, this system specifies machines, equipment and labour required for manufacturing the specific product. This is determined by factors like a product nature, b raw materials needed, c product quantity and d existing layout of the production plant. Limitation: Firstly, process design will be limited to the type of machines and skills available to production.

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Secondly, existing machinery may be suitable for general-purpose use only; hence, producing complex or unique features or designs may become impossible. Selection criteria: Selection of process strategy can be classified into three categories; namely, process focus, repetitive focus and product focus. Process focus refers to the strategy where specialisation in https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/it-department-review-presentation/the-works-of-gustav-mahler.php department allows for specific jobs like grinding, Operations Management Assignment, welding etc.

While, repetitive focus relates to a strategy wherethe focus is to create modular parts in a repetitive actions, for example, the production of plastic bottles using injection moulding.

Operations Management Assignment

Lastly, if the process strategy is product focus, then high volumes of a low variety product are created in a long assembly or product line; for example, light bulbs Pilkington and Meredith, Limitation: Process strategy requires significant research and considerations before deciding upon a specific focus. As a result, changing focus midway can become extremely difficult without incurring huge costs. Projects — Projects involve the creation of https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/college-is-not-for-everyone/dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde.php single output Operations Management Assignment product over a specific period.

For example, the construction of large products like infrastructure, buildings, stadiums, roads etc. Unlike other types of processes, Azsignment end as soon the end-output is achieved.

Operations Management Assignment

Each batch of products are customised to meet individual customer or client requirements, which results in different processing times and costs. For example, a bakery specialised in wedding cakes, will bake and decorate cakes based on the marriage requirements like size, flavour, icing, style etc.

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Another example https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/malaria-treatment-and-prevention/rhetorical-analysis-of-the-inquisitor.php a jobbing process is an online company that creates customised webpages for its customers Desai, Batching — Batching are similar to job shops in the sense they also periodically create batches of the same product; however, unlike jobbing, batch shops produce identical products, which are not customised. As a result, each batch or set of products follow the same creation or process flow. For example, a bakery that producesseveral varieties of chocolate biscuits will only Operations Management Assignment those varieties based on predefined production processes; rather than custom Operations Management Assignment. Hence, in batching, the buyer or client can only select the type of variety available and the quantity Potts andKovalyov, Mass or Assembly Lines — In this type of process, a product is assembled as it moves forward on a flow line.

Assembly lines possess individual workstations that specialise https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/it-department-review-presentation/the-job-of-a-forensic-artist.php a specific action, process or part. As the product moves through each workstation, the product line halts temporarily and only moves when the concerned workstation has completed its tasks.]

Operations Management Assignment

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