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Reasons Why The Death Penalty Is Inhumane

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Reasons Why The Death Penalty Is Inhumane

Reasons Why The Death Penalty Is Inhumane - phrase, matchless)))

AP — State lawmakers gave final approval Monday to legislation that will end capital punishment in Virginia, a dramatic turnaround for a state that has executed more people in its long history than any other. The legislation repealing the death penalty now heads to Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, who has said he will sign it into law, making Virginia the 23rd state to stop executions. William Morva, the man convicted of killing Eric Sutphin, was executed in Two years later, Rachel Sutphin was one of 13 family members of murder victims who sent a letter to the General Assembly asking lawmakers to abolish the death penalty. Virginia's new Democratic majority, in full control of the General Assembly for a second year, pushed the repeal effort, arguing that the death penalty has been applied disproportionately to people of color, the mentally ill and the indigent. Republicans raised concerns about justice for victims and their family members, and said there are some crimes that are so heinous that the perpetrators deserve to be executed. Anthony Juniper was sentenced to death in the slayings of his ex-girlfriend, two of her children, and her brother. Thomas Porter was sentenced to die for the killing of a Norfolk police officer. The repeal legislation would convert their sentences to life in prison without parole.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is a law and order state. Part of that is the death penalty, which is applied to severe violent and repeat offenders in certain cases. Hold on a second there, you conservative.

Virginia Swings Left

In other words this is an activist law from far-left progressives. What do you want to be that the Democrats who voted to abolish the death penalty in Virginia fully support abortion access for any reason? These people are truly sick, and it stands to reason that they would be led by Northam, a racist hypocrite of the worst order who has zero respect for the life of innocent new human beings but apparently respects the rights of horrific criminals.

Reasons Why The Death Penalty Is Inhumane

Here do happen, and the death penalty is absolutely far from perfect. And when mistakes and framing someone does happen it should be severely punished against all authorities and jurisdictions who allowed it to happen. More often than mistakes happening is that a bad man or woman who did things most of can barely even imagine gets a one-way ticket to dirt land just like they absolutely deserve.

I wonder how my friends the Harveys of Richmond would feel knowing their and their two beautiful daughters' killers would live out their natural lives.

Reasons Why The Death Penalty Is Inhumane

Or any victims of subhuman animal crimes. There are monsters among us who don't deserve to take another breath.

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With the ban, Virginia becomes the 23rd state to ban the death penalty, with Colorado doing so last year and numerous states before that. However, Virginia will be the first Southern state to ban the death penalty. There are only two convicts on death row in the state now, and since the death penalty is banned Thomas Porter and Anthony Juniper will now spend their lives in prison. Porter was convicted of shooting a police officer in and then shooting him twice more until he died on the ground.

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With the scrapping of the death penalty, Virginia continues its long slide left since Democrats took over the state legislature. Top News Subscribe Contact Us. Sign in.

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