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The Debate Over Individuals And Groups

Apologise: The Debate Over Individuals And Groups

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The Debate Over Individuals And Groups

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Improving worker pay is unrelated to pandemic relief in that raising the minimum wage has long been a Democratic priority. The argument about income inequality, which is growing in the USis central to the widespread effort to raise the minimum wage. Bernie Sanders on Twitter recently.

The Debate Over Individuals And Groups

We must raise the minimum wage to a living But the minimum wage is actually different around the country. Some states have a much higher minimum wage than others, and some cities are even higher than the rest of their states. While states and cities have recently raised their own minimum wages — in some places, after voters approved ballot measures — it has been more than a decade since the federal minimum wage was last raised in Not as far as it went in !

In that regard, the federal minimum wage has Dbeate.

The Debate Over Individuals And Groups

But this next part is important. Rather than rely on Congress to agree on raising the minimum wage again in 10 years or so, a bill introduced by Sanders would require it to be raised each year by the Department of Labor based on Individualss of Labor Statistics data. Because so many states have their own, higher minimum wage, relatively few American workers make the federal minimum wage.

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They represent 1. The wage went up in 20 states January 1. Again, according to BLSthey are mostly young and they are less likely to have more than a high school education, if that.]

The Debate Over Individuals And Groups

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