An Evaluation Of An Administrator -

Precisely: An Evaluation Of An Administrator

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An Evaluation Of An Administrator An Evaluation Of An Administrator

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Scope: This policy applies to University administrators and staff exempted from the State of Colorado personnel system in accordance with C. Policy Statement Evaluation of Administrators and Staff General Policies An effective performance evaluation process recognizes and rewards outstanding performance and addresses areas for improvement. While accomplishing this, and if conducted fairly and objectively, the process will promote a healthy dialogue between the employee and the supervisor, which should provide an opportunity to clarify individual, departmental, and institutional goals; update and revise, if necessary, the job description; emphasize areas of importance and identify new directions; improve individual performance; and provide a An Evaluation Of An Administrator for planning individual growth and link. If the evaluation process accomplishes this, it Admniistrator lead to increased productivity and communication while positively improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the institution.

An Evaluation Of An Administrator

All Administrative evaluations will include input from constituents using a degree evaluation feedback system to assist the supervisor in the overall evaluation of the Administrator. Supervisors shall provide their own feedback as well as obtain feedback from faculty, subordinates, peers, co-workers and customers are applicable. The employee shall provide the Avministrator with a self-evaluation. Administrators should be evaluated by their immediate supervisor with review and approval by the appropriate next level supervisor. Under these provisions, all administrators must be formally evaluated in writing once each year.

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The evaluation period shall be May 1 through April Supervisors may conduct a preliminary performance review for a new employee between three and six months after initial employment. However, employees may request a preliminary performance review from their supervisors.

An Evaluation Of An Administrator

Disagreements between the supervisor and the employee will not be sufficient cause to interrupt the evaluation process. The Planning and Evaluation Process The supervisor and the employee shall participate in at least one meeting for the purpose of planning and evaluation prior to April 30 of each year.

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A planning and evaluation meeting for new employees shall be held within 30 days after employment begins. During the evaluation process, the supervisor evaluates the employee on each performance standard and discusses with the employee areas of strength and areas for improvement as defined by the performance plan. Both parties shall sign the evaluation and the performance plan.]

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