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Analysis Of The Movie Want Give Get

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War is an intense armed conflict [a] between statesgovernmentssocietiesor paramilitary groups such as mercenariesinsurgentsand militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violenceaggressiondestruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.

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Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general. While some scholars see war as a universal and ancestral aspect of human nature[3] others argue it is a result of specific socio-cultural, economic or ecological circumstances.

Analysis Of The Movie Want Give Get

The word is related to the Old Saxon werranOld High German werranand the German verwirrenmeaning "to confuse", "to perplex", and "to bring into confusion". The earliest evidence of prehistoric warfare is a Mesolithic cemetery in Jebel Sahabawhich has been determined to be approximately 14, years old. About forty-five percent of the skeletons there displayed signs of violent death. The advent of gunpowder and the acceleration Waant technological advances led to modern warfare. According to Conway W. Henderson, "One source claims that 14, wars have taken place between BC and the late 20th century, costing 3.

Analysis Of The Movie Want Give Get

For comparison, an estimated 1,, people died from infectious diseases in the 20th century. Keeley describes several styles of primitive combat such as small raids, large raids, and massacres. All of these forms of warfare were used by primitive societies, a finding supported by other researchers. Scarcity of resources meant defensive works were not a cost-effective way to protect the society against enemy raids. William Rubinstein wrote "Pre-literate societies, even those organised in a relatively advanced way, were renowned for their studied cruelty In Western Europe, since the late 18th century, more than conflicts and about battles have taken place.

Analysis Of The Movie Want Give Get

Inin view of the rapidly increasingly destructive consequences of modern warfare, and with a particular concern for the consequences and costs of the newly developed atom bombAlbert Einstein famously stated, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Mao Zedong urged the socialist camp not to fear nuclear war with the United States since, even if "half of mankind died, the other half would remain while imperialism would be razed to the ground and Analysis Of The Movie Want Give Get whole world would become socialist.

A distinctive feature since is the absence of wars between major powers—indeed the near absence of any traditional wars between established countries. Instead actual fighting has largely been a matter of civil wars and insurgencies. The Human Security Report documented a significant decline in the number and severity of armed conflicts since the end of the Cold War in the early s. However, the evidence examined in the edition of the Center for International Development and Conflict Management's and Conflict" study indicated the overall decline in conflicts had stalled.

War aims may stand as a proxy for national-military resolve.

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Fried defines war aims as "the desired territorial, economic, military or other benefits expected following successful conclusion of a war". War aims can change in the course of conflict and may eventually morph into "peace conditions" [34] — the minimal conditions under which a state may cease to wage a particular war.

Throughout the course of human history, the average number of people dying from war has fluctuated relatively little, Analysis Of The Movie Want Give Get about 1 to 10 people dying perHowever, major wars over shorter periods have resulted in much higher casualty rates, with casualties perover a few years. While conventional wisdom holds that casualties have increased in recent times due to technological improvements in warfare, this is not generally true. That said, overall the number of casualties from war has not significantly increased in recent times. Quite to the contrary, on a global scale the time since WWII has been unusually peaceful. As concerns a belligerent's losses in proportion to its prewar population, the most destructive war in modern history may have been the Paraguayan War see Paraguayan War casualties. In war resulted in 31, deaths, down from 72, deaths in Three of the ten most costly wars, in terms of loss of life, have been waged in the last century.]

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