Behavior Paradigms -

Behavior Paradigms - obviously

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How to Change a Paradigm Behavior Paradigms. Behavior Paradigms

Education and Transpersonal Relations. Walsh, editor.

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Beyond Ego: Transpersonal Dimensions in Psychology Behavior Paradigms Behavioural paradigm is the 'traditional paradigm' The traditional Paradgims or 'paradigm' of education is based on institutionalisation of theories of John Watsonfounder of the science of human behaviour known as behavioural science or ' behavioral psychology ' and popularised as ' behaviourism'. Behaviourism has been regarded as a reliable source of explanation Behavior Paradigms the learning process and consequently has had a profound influence on the field of educational theory.

In the behavioural paradigm, the learning process is perceived in terms of conditioned behaviour or ' conditioning'. Behavioural psychology is less than a hundred years old and a product of European and American cultures.

John B. Watson represented the expressioof the American reaction against German Nazi rationalism. Behavior Paradigms to the Behavior Paradigms of behaviourism human behaviours are learned through a mental process which Paardigms one stimulus for another in conditioned responses i.

The notion of conditioning was the basic premise of behaviourism which recognizes a limited number of normal ' consciousness states ': the ordinary ' waking state ' considered to be the most satisfactory for perception of reality and two 'sleeping states' - the ' dreaming state ' and the ' non-dreaming state '. Its theoretical goal is the prediction and control of behaviour. Introspection forms no part of its methods.

Behavior Paradigms

Learning theory in the traditional behavioural paradigm: conditioned learning or 'conditioning'. In the behavioural paradigm, the teaching function is based on the premise that learning is a matter Behavior Paradigms conscious conditioning During the twentieth century, educational research has been based on the mechanistic and objective approach Paradjgms scientific reductionism.

Behavior Paradigms

The field of educational psychology and the so-called 'traditional' educational theories have been influenced primarily by behavioural psychology, the so-called 'science' of mind and behaviour known as 'behavioural science'. Less than a hundred years old and a product of European and American cultures, the behavioural sciences have shown little concern for the active participation of the learner in the learning process.

The psychological theories of behavioural science ignores the inner life thus severely restricting its Behavior Paradigms

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