Distracted Driving - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving - suggest you

Distracted driving was directly responsible for 23, deaths and well over a million injuries in the U. An increasing number of distractions is adding to the problem. While most of us think of cell phones when we think of distracted driving, there are many different types of distracted driving. Checking GPS and navigation systems, changing the radio station or music, searching for controls in your vehicle, eating, drinking and even experiencing stress and fatigue can play a part in distracted driving. In fact, anything that takes your mind and focus away from driving is considered a distraction. Distracted Driving

Putting lives at risk. Twinsterphoto stock image Associated Press.


Not that you hear much about the distracted-driving threat from Mayor Bill de Blasio and his Department of Transportation. They think that their ever-growing network of revenue-generating speed cameras is the best way to make Distracted Driving streets safer.

Distracted Driving

But a recent study from the Governors Distracted Driving Safety Association should make them think twice. The study showed a 10 percent increase in road deaths involving a distracted driver. Inthe report said, 3, Americans died in a crash involving a distracted driver.


The year before, the number was Distracted Driving, And distracted driving is often underreported as the cause of a crash, Dricing report said, so the numbers could actually be worse. The report said that crashes increase by around 8 percent for every text sent per hour of driving. The number of severe crashes goes up by around 6 percent under the same circumstances. It takes around five seconds to read or send a text, researchers Distracted Driving found.


It only seems like the blink of an eye to a driver. Drivers send an average of 1.

Distracted Driving

Those between the ages of 20 and 29 send an average of 2. And how often have we seen that in our rear-view mirrors? Some motorist with the phone up on the Distracted Driving wheel, or someone obviously looking down at their phone in their lap.

Distracted Driving: Common Cause of Austin Car Accidents

Imagine driving with your eyes closed. And the problem is no different in New Distracted Driving City. Driver inattention is by far the main factor in collisions and collisions with injuries, according to NYPD TrafficStat. Unsafe speed is way down on the list.

Distracted Driving

Staten Islanders know that very well. They put lives at risk.]

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