Italian Immigration And The United States -

Italian Immigration And The United States Video

Why did Italians come to America? Italian Immigration And The United States Italian Immigration And The United States Italian Immigration And The United States

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Italian Immigration And The United States

Italian immigration from to the present is an American phenomenon too little explored in our histories. Until now. In this new collection, Laura E. Ruberto and Joseph Sciorra edit essays by an elite roster of scholars in Italian American studies.

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These interdisciplinary works focus on leading edge topics that range from politics of the McCarren-Walter Act and its effects on women to the ways Italian Americans mobilized against source restrictions.

Other essays unwrap the inner workings of multi-ethnic power brokers in a Queens community, portray the complex transformation of identity in Boston 's North End, and trace the development of Italian American youth culture and how new arrivals fit into it. Finally, Donna Gabaccia pens an afterword on the importance of this seventy-year period in U. Pasto, Rodrigo Praino, Laura E.]

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