Kindergarten and Children -

Kindergarten and Children Video

\ Kindergarten and Children.

This story is from The Pulsea weekly health and science podcast.

Morning Edition

Subscribe on Apple Kindergarten and ChildrenSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Each weekday morning, he rises in his Northwest Philadelphia home, reads the paper, drinks a little tea, and plans a few lessons for his daughter Winnie, who recently turned six. Like an unusually large number of kids her age, Winnie did not enroll in kindergarten this click. For a few hours each morning, Reilly guides Winnie through math, reading, and social studies lessons.

He is also homeschooling his second-grade son this year.

Kindergarten and Children

Although there are no official, national numbers yet, public school enrollment appears to have Kindergarten and Children significantly this year. Most notably, fewer kids are attending kindergarten. Faced with the prospect of virtual school, hybrid school, or a restricted in-person experience, thousands of families Kindergartenn simply said: No thanks. The shockwave of the pandemic has caused many sectors and industries to reexamine what had before seemed to be obvious defaults. Almost a year after widespread shutdowns in the U. Why do we have this grade named after a German word?

A Prussian revolution

Why is it the first rung on the ladder that is our formal education system? And why does that ladder begin around age 5? Prussian pedagogue Friedrich Froebel invented the idea of kindergarten in Froebel felt that kids learn through self-discovery and play. The teacher creates conditions for children to teach themselves.

Kindergarten and Children

Froebel laid out specific daily sequences that kindergarten instruction should follow. You started the day with songs. Froebel even wrote a book of songs for teachers and children to sing together. Then after songs, Froebel expected children to move to play.

The kindergarten concept migrated to America along with German immigrants. The first American kindergarten opened for German speakers in Watertown, Wisconsin in anc Stateside education reformers soon caught hold of the concept. One of them was Elizabeth Kindergarten and Children, sister-in-law to public school evangelist Horace Mann and famed novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne. The idea spread quickly among progressive reformers, sprouting independent kindergartens across the country.]

Kindergarten and Children

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