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Language and Human Species

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Language and Human Species

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Human Origins 101 - National Geographic

Melanesian origin of Homo Melanesiens, also called Anthropoid, speculated. Melanesians carry the DNA of an unknown human species. Genetic analysis of Melanesians showed that all were related to a, ancient species, which according to scientists is probably a descendant of the earliest humans Language and Human Species East Asia or Langjage South Pacific.

This species has the longest genetic profile, and DNA analysis also showed that their similarities were more profound than the genetic similarities between any two human species.

One study shows that the earliest human species known to Language and Human Species populated the Melanesian Islands, including Melanesian peoples, were likely confined to Hkman Melanesian islands by the early 21st century. If this is correct, this poses a whole new problem for modern theories about the origins of modern humanity, for which theories about Homo Sapiens being descended from an extinct species were widely accepted until this new study. Lands of First Melanesians article by Zimbardo, P. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in.

Language and Human Species

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Lands of First Melanesians (93%)

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Language and Human Species

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