Osteoporosis A Progressive Bone Disease - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

Osteoporosis A Progressive Bone Disease

Osteoporosis A Progressive Bone Disease Video

Bone Diseases: Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis A Progressive Bone Disease - was

Bone is a living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Our bony skeleton is similar to a beach where the tide brings in new sand while washing away some as it recedes. This condition is called Osteoporosis OP. Bone mass is usually attained between 25 and 30 years of age after which there is a slow and steady loss of bone especially after the age of 40 yrs. Family: OP in siblings or parents, parents with a hip fracture increase the risk. Sex hormone: lowered sex hormones weaken bones. Thyroid: Excess thyroid hormone causes bone loss; hypothyroidism can also retard bone density. Eating disorders: being underweight or severe food restrictions weaken bones. Osteoporosis A Progressive Bone Disease

Osteoporosis affects the architecture of the bone. The name means porous bone, explains Dr. The bone will start losing bone mass as people age. If that gets to a certain point, it decreases and it increases the risk of fracture, he affirms.

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Osteoporosis A Progressive Bone Disease

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Osteoporosis A Progressive Bone Disease

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