Overcoming Racism And Discrimination That Has Affected - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

Overcoming Racism And Discrimination That Has Affected Overcoming Racism And Discrimination That Has Affected

The deep racial and ethnic inequities that exist today are a direct result of structural racism: the historical and contemporary policies, practices, and norms that create and maintain white supremacy.

Overcoming Racism And Discrimination That Has Affected

At the Urban Institute, we examine how structural racism continues to disproportionately segregate communities of color from access to opportunity and upward mobility by making it more difficult for people of color to secure quality education, jobs, housing, healthcare, and equal treatment in the criminal justice system. For decades, our researchers have called attention to the role of race and racism in our public and private institutions and offered evidence-based solutions for how to address these inequities.

Our scholars will play a crucial role as we continue to elevate the public discourse around race and racism in America.

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What would it take to overcome the damaging effects of structural racism and ensure a more equitable future? By naming what creates and maintains racial disparities, we can challenge harmful narratives. Interactives, stories, and collections that go beyond the data. Next50 Catalyst Brief What would it take to overcome the damaging effects of structural racism and ensure Thaat more equitable future? How We Should Talk about Racial Disparities By naming what creates and maintains racial disparities, we can challenge harmful narratives. Research Urban Wire All. Urban Wire. To disrupt structural oppression, disaggregate data by race and ethnicity.

What is systemic racism?

Rapid and expansive cross-sector action could help narrow the racial and ethnic disparities among young people. August 17, Faith Mitchell.

Overcoming Racism And Discrimination That Has Affected

August 14, Sarah CalameAravind Boddupalli. The legacy of racism may be more visible during the pandemic, but it operates all the time, making it harder for Black and brown children to succeed in school and lea. June 23, Natalie SpievackMegan Gallagher.

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Right now and for decades to come, public officials can work to right the wrongs that continue to lead to high crime and victimization in Black neighborhoods. July 10, Storm ErvinSusan Nembhard. Tracking which households are most affected could assist policymakers in targeting their efforts and ensuring an equitable recovery for all. July 01, Steven Brown. April 10, Kilolo Kijakazi. March 13, Solomon GreeneMartha M. GalvezKriti RamakrishnanMadeline Brown.]

Overcoming Racism And Discrimination That Has Affected

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