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Overpopulation Summary And Analysis Overpopulation Summary And Analysis

Ahd funding to make family planning and modern contraceptives universally available could make a big difference in solving these interlocking problems. The next few years will be crucial in the work to limit global climate disruption and stop the depletion of vital ecosystems. If greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced rapidly in Western countries, China, India and other nations with a large prosperous middle class, the consequences, according to the IPCC and the UN, could be catastrophic.

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The responsibility lies mainly with us in richer nations. We got the benefit, for two centuries, of using the stored solar energy that accumulated over Summsry of millions of years. We are now beginning to see the consequences: thawing permafrost and polar ice caps, rising sea levels, extreme weather, giant forest fires, dehydrated farmland, food and Overpopulation Summary And Analysis shortages, eradication of wildlife habitats, accelerated extinction of species.

An increasing number of people in poor countries are being hit hard by climate change in combination with https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/foster-partners-holdings-limited/rape-of-women-on-college-campus.php growing populations. Until recently, malnutrition had been declining, but in places where the number of people is increasing at a faster pace than food supply, it is growing again.

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The FAO and the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, the World Food Program, find that million people approximately 9 percent were malnourished inand estimate that the number will climb to million by The situation is worst in Africa. Although the economy has improved for many Africans in recent years, the number of malnourished people has been increasing since and is now million. If the trend continues, every fourth African will suffer from malnutrition by Overpopulation Summary And Analysis, the same mistakes as with global climate change threaten — passivity that increases future suffering and damage. Do we in rich nations even want to understand what is happening?

Overpopulation Summary And Analysis

But it does not mention that the number of malnourished, suffering people is increasing. That number has grown every year sinceand in also the proportion of malnourished people increased.


The Global Challenges Foundation recently found that among ten countries, Swedes were the most aware of the problems caused by global population increase. But unlike climate change, population growth is rarely discussed in the media and is almost entirely avoided by Swedish environmental organizations.

Overpopulation Summary And Analysis

Why this lack of interest in one of the root causes of the rapidly growing imbalance between people and the environment? With a smaller population in rich countries, consumption, greenhouse gases and climate disruption would certainly also have been less.


Is one reason why population growth is seldom mentioned that the increase mostly takes place in poor former colonies? The influential European opinion leader George Monbiot argues that Ovrepopulation racist Westerners are trying to blame climate change on the population growth in third world countriesin order to avoid lowering their own unsustainable consumption.

Overpopulation Summary And Analysis

This may be so in some circles, and consumption in wealthy countries must indeed decrease to help fight climate change.]

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