Postmodernism in American Literature -

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Postmodern literature is a form of literature that is characterized by the use of metafiction , unreliable narration , self-reflexivity , intertextuality , and which often thematizes both historical and political issues. This style of experimental literature emerged strongly in the United States in the s through the writings of authors such as Kurt Vonnegut , Thomas Pynchon , Kathy Acker , and John Barth. Postmodernists often challenge authorities , which has been seen as a symptom of the fact that this style of literature first emerged in the context of political tendencies in the s. Sometimes the term "postmodernism" is used to discuss many different things ranging from architecture to historical theory to philosophy and film. Because of this fact, several people distinguish between several forms of postmodernism and thus suggest that there are three forms of postmodernism: 1 Postmodernity is understood as a historical period from the mids to the present, which is different from the 2 theoretical postmodernism, which encompasses the theories developed by thinkers such as Roland Barthes , Jacques Derrida , Michel Foucault and others. Postmodern literature is, in this sense, part of cultural postmodernism. Postmodernism in American Literature Postmodernism in American Literature

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Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Is America found in the language that is spoken? Is it in the geography? Or does America manifest itself in the literature that has lasted throughout the development of the nation?

From the age of colonization to the age of the Romantics, the American people expressed their emotions, concerns, thoughts, and experiences through the written word.

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Individual writers wrote about their own American experiences Ameerican some even compared their life in America to their life in Europe. Although it was a product of Europe in its beginnings, America came into its own as a nation with literary prestige as it grew more independent from its European roots. Before the Postmodernism in American Literature of colonization, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, America was uncharted territory. It was fresh, new, and relatively unclaimed. Because of its novelty and unfamiliarity, the first pieces of American literature were travel narratives written by Europeans who were exploring the New World.

According to Dr. One such travel narrative is Essay American literature traces back to the time of the Native Americans and Puritans, and over time developed many literary movements influenced by Transcendentalists and Realists.

The beliefs of the Native Americans and Puritans as well as the philosophy of the Transcendentalists Postmodernism in American Literature Realists contrast with one another. These four major groups of American writers all differ in the sense source all of them look to a different power head or ideology for truth. For example, Native Americans look outside themselves to nature; while Puritans look to God, and Transcendentalists look within themselves; whereas realists question whether there is truth. The Native Americans have enriched our history of American literature with their stories and songs that depict their nature oriented beliefs.

The Native Americans were polytheistic, meaning they believed in multiple gods. The gods they worshiped were all elements of nature such Postmodernism in American Literature Postmoodernism sun, the sky, and the earth. The Indians believed without qualms that the truth is found in nature, which differed greatly Amerucan another group of American American literature is like all literatureit has literary experiences and contextual history of America.

It depicts how America has changed is still changing today. American literature has changed over time just like most canons of literary works.

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The uniqueness of American literature is that America from its beginning had a philosophy of life and freedom.

The special philosophy of life and freedom that made American literature so unique was reflected in its writings. Americans believed and had faith that God was and is the given of all our rights and freedom. We as Americans had faith in ourselves that we could succeed in Ligerature that we try doing.

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The literature that we Americans wrote made life worth living because it was displayed for the world to read and understand that life was what we made it. Also by Americans having the ability to spring back from diversity made life worth living and George Washington was a perfect example of this.

Postmodernism in American Literature

Literary canon is basically a suggested list of readings that belongs to a country or a certain period in time. Literary canon contains literary works that is mainly by authors who are accepted as an authority in their Scott Fitzgerald- named after cousin who wrote star spangled banner. Wife was Zelda. Heavy drinker.

Postmodernism in American Literature

Zelda became mentally ill. Clear lyrical prose. The American Dream. Philosophy: The lost generation, all gods dead, all wars, fought, all faiths shaken.]

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