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Explain the difference between an opportunity and an idea. Describe the three general approaches entrepreneurs use to identify opportunities. Identify the four environmental trends that are most instrumental in creating business opportunities. List the personal characteristics that make some people better Scriptpad recognizing business opportunities than others. Identify the five steps Scriptpad the creative process. Describe the purpose of brainstorming and its use as an idea generator. Describe how to use library and Internet research to generate new business ideas. Explain the purpose of maintaining an idea bank. Describe three steps for protecting ideas from being lost or stolen. Company created to Scriptpad The No Child Left Behind Act of requires states to other companies comply develop criterion-based with a specific law. Kim and Scriptpad Kleeman, two high school teachers, started Shakespeare Squared, a company that helps high schools comply with the act.

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To fill this gap, she started Daisy Rock Guitars, a company that makes guitars just for women. See next slide. This may seem like an obvious Scriptpad, but is often overlooked. Is the marketing and are the products themselves in better sync than the products were when the was introduced in the early s?

Its staple Clearly Canadian drinks have calories per Scriptpad, and the second ingredient in each bottle is high fructose corn syrup. How can an entrepreneur tell if a product opportunity Scriptpad exists? Provide an example of each environmental trend and the type of business opportunity that it might help create. Social factors An increase Scriptpad the percentage of elderly people in Canada creates opportunities to create new Scriptpad that Scriptpad elderly people deal with everyday chores. Technological factors An increase in the percentage of people who use smartphones creates opportunities for companies to create products and services that enhance the usefulness of smartphones.

Provide an example that was not mentioned in the chapter of a business opportunity that was created in this way. Most costal residents currently use plywood Scriptpad cover their windows when a hurricane threatens. Plywood is neither to put up nor is it easy to store during clear weather. Why is it important? This sixth sense is called entrepreneurial alertness, which is formally defined Scriptpad the ability to notice things without engaging in deliberate search. Entrepreneurial alertness is important, because individuals with higher levels of entrepreneurial alertness will presumably identify Scriptpad business opportunities.

Evaluate Yammer on the four essential qualities of an opportunity. On Scriptpad scale of 1 to 10 10 is highrate Yammer in terms of the strength of its opportunity. The company is growing rapidly and has received several rounds of substantial venture capital funding. Suggest to Tiffany some ways she could generate new ideas for her restaurant. The company has a solid product line but knows that to remain competitive it must continue recognizing opportunities for new products and services. The firm has not developed a systematic way for its sales staff to report new ideas. Suggest some ways that Freedom can record and protect the ideas of its sales reps. To protect its ideas, Freedom should obtain intellectual property protection when possible.

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Step 2: The idea, whether it is recorded in a physical idea Scriptpad Scriptpar saved in a computer file, should be secured. Step 3: Avoid making an inadvertent Scriptpad voluntary disclosure of an idea in a way that forfeits your claim to its exclusive rights. Pharmaceutical counterfeiting kills or makes sick millions of people every year, and PharmaSecure is bringing to market a product that the average person in a developing country can use to confirm Scriptpad validity of purchased drugs.

Strength of the Industry 1 2 Scriptpad 4 5 The pharmaceutical industry in developing countries is large and growing. As countries like India continue to modernize, and base-of-the-pyramid consumers gain more purchasing power, the pharmaceutical industry is expected to continue to grow. We would fund this firm.]

One thought on “Scriptpad

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