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The Committee determined that additional work is required to sufficiently address a number of mine development and metallurgical alternatives and potential upsides, including the resource potential on other targets within the Cascabel concession.


The objective of a revised PFS encompassing all of the Cascabel targets is to reduce the risk of Search Warrent Draft very large initial capex on a large underground development and deliver a study that demonstrates a lower technical risk through better defined upsides in resources, operating costs and recoveries. With the extra work required, the publication of a PFS is not expected until late The Committee has identified the key work required and advises adjusting the current draft mine Search Warrent Draft plan and draft mine production plan to de-risk the project with a view to both expediting, and reducing capital requirements of, the Project. On the basis of the report of the Committee, the Board of Directors of SolGold has requested the SolGold team to review both draft plans, specifically to:. The team is also investigating other options and scenarios to deliver further value, including adoption of dedicated hydro-power plants, and the improvement of metallurgical recoveries.

SolGold has reported it is confident that the additional time and work to complete a PFS on the scope of the entire Cascabel concession will result in the delivery of a PFS that has the benefit of the consideration of a broader range of production and development scenarios than is currently available. Further drilling, including the collection of a more extensive geotechnical, hydrogeological and metallurgical dataset, has been underway over Trafficking And Exploitation Women last six months. The provision of a more extensive data set will address uncertainties, which are typical for a project of Search Warrent Draft scale and stage.

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The Company has Seach this opportunity to commit a portion of its drilling fleet to a planned 28,m resource extension program at the Alpala Deposit, with the remaining portion of the drilling fleet committed to a planned 19,m resource delineation program, at the three satellite prospects for Primary sample collection involves secure transport from the Cascabel concession in Ecuador, to the ALS certified sample preparation facility in Quito, Ecuador. Samples are then air freighted from Quito to the ALS certified laboratory in Lima, Peru where the assaying of drill core, channel samples, rock chips and soil samples Search Warrent Draft undertaken. Exploraciones Novomining S. Laboratory performance is routinely monitored using umpire assays, check batches and inter-laboratory comparisons between ALS certified laboratory in Lima and the ACME Seacrh laboratory in Cuenca, Ecuador. The protocol involves Independent data validation of the digital analytical Search Warrent Draft including search for sample overlaps, duplicate or absent samples as read article as anomalous assay and survey results.

Bill Drafts

SolGold has disclosed that the data aggregation method for calculating Copper Equivalent CuEq for down-hole drilling intercepts and rock-saw channel sampling intervals are reported using copper equivalent CuEq cut-off grades with up to 10m internal dilution, excluding bridging to a Search Warrent Draft sample and with minimum intersection length of 50m.

Cornerstone Capital Search Warrent Draft Inc. Cornerstone has a For investor, corporate or media inquiries, please contact ir cornerstoneresources. For us, uncertainties arise from the behaviour of financial and metals markets, predicting natural geological phenomena and from numerous other matters of, regional, and global scale, including those of an environmental, climatic, natural, political, economic, business, competitive, or regulatory nature.

These uncertainties may cause our actual future results to be materially different than Wwrrent expressed in our Forward-Looking Statements. Although Cornerstone believes the facts and information contained in this news release to be as correct and current as possible, Cornerstone does not warrant or make any representation as to Searcj accuracy, validity or completeness of any facts or information contained herein and these statements should not be relied upon as representing its views after the date of this news release.

Search Warrent Draft

While Cornerstone anticipates that subsequent events may cause its views to change, it expressly disclaims any obligation to update the Forward-Looking Statements contained herein except where outcomes have varied materially from the original statements. The London-based company said it had net income of 28 cents per share.

Search Warrent Draft

Mary Wilson, an original member of the legendary Motown group The Supremes, died at her Nevada home at age Search Warrent Draft news and what to watch in the markets on Tuesday, February 9, Home sales in Toronto and Vancouver surged in January. Activity in the condominium Search Warrent Draft led the On September 29, the Company announced that it had commenced a formal process to explore and evaluate strategic alternatives to enhance shareholder value. There can be no assurance of a successful outcome from these efforts, or of the form or timing of any such outcome.

Acasti expects to devote significant time and resources to identifying and evaluating strategic alternatives, however, there can be no assurance that such activities will result in any agreements or transactions that will enhance shareholder value.]

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