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BSA Week 2 Learning Team: Bubble Films Task List Create a 1- to 2-page project task list that identifies all of the tasks your Learning Team must complete for the project, assignments of appropriate team members to project tasks, and due dates when tasks must be completed for team review and integration into your project. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. BSA Week 5 team paper. Review Chapter 3 in the eBook. Kudler Fine Foods is in bsa week 2 individual assignment the process of developing a new frequent shopper program. Service Request SR rm 022 paper part.

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Attached you can find the Tax return problem instructions and some forms. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

Service Request SR rm 022 paper part

Please complete the federal income tax return for Magdalena Schmitz. Ignore the requirement to attach the form s W-2 to the front page of the Form If required information is missing, use reasonable assumptions to fill in the gaps. Magdalena Schmitz has undergone some major changes in her life recently.

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Inat the age of 46, her husband, Roger, passed away. Magdalena has not remarried as of the end of papwr Magdalena currently lives in Bedford, Pennsylvania. She was living in Pittsburgh when her husband passed away but she click back to her childhood home so she could get help from her family raising her children.

Magdalena was employed in Pittsburgh early in the year but left that job and relocated miles away to pursue a new life and start her new job.

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Magdalena has three children ages as of the end of the year : Alyssa 23Tyler 16and Connor Magdalena would like to determine her federal income tax under the filing status that is Sevrice advantageous for her. Liberty Road Bedford, Pennsylvania This year represents her fifth year of full-time higher education schooling. Alyssa works part-time in State College to help with some of her living expenses.

Magdalena provided support Alyssa including paying for rent, books, tuition, food, clothes, medicine, and other support items. In order to for Magdalena to maintain a full-time job, she sends Connor to a day care program after school five days a week.

Service Request SR rm 022 paper part

The day care details are as follows: Horizon Day Care S. On January 1, prior yearMagdalena started a photography business in which she takes bridal and wedding photographs. She does not do any of the professional printing. However, she provides all the Srrvice files to her clients on a password-protected web site as part of her service.

Service Request SR rm 022 paper part

This unique service, along with her skill and reputation, has allowed her to earn additional money on the weekends, primarily in the summer, to help support her daughter in college. Magdalena rents all the camera equipment and does not currently own any equipment herself.]

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