Speech on Kashmir Issue - can help
Gen Bajwa accentuated more noteworthy watchfulness and condition of readiness in the midst of new difficulties of half and half war. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in. Log into your account. Forgot your password? Password recovery. Recover your password.Are not: Speech on Kashmir Issue
The Impact Of Ray Charles On American | 5 days ago · RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Feb, ):All Pakistan Inter-Madaris speech competition entitled "Kashmir Issue" was held under auspices of Punjab Council of the Arts (PUCAR) to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day. The competition was presided over by Principal Jamia Islamia Dr Zafar Iqbal Jalali flanked by Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmed. There was an attack by four heavily armed terrorists on 18 September , near the town of Uri in the Indian former state of Jammu and www.informationsecuritysummit.org was reported as "the deadliest attack on security forces in Kashmir in two decades". The terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed was involved in the planning and execution of the attack. At the time of the attack, the Kashmir Valley region was a centre of. 6 days ago · Resolution Of Kashmir And Junagadh Issues Is Prerequisite To Peace In South Asia India is not a country but a region where every nation has the right to freedom By News Desk Islamabad: MUSLIM Institute organized ‘Solidarity Walk’ on Kashmir Solidarity Day on Friday, 5th February , from China Chowk Blue Area to Islamabad Press. |
Speech on Kashmir Issue | The Interview On Educational Leadership |
Speech on Kashmir Issue | 2 days ago · In his speech, the prime minister, while addressing the people of Kashmir, said that once they had acceded to Pakistan through a UN plebiscite, they could, if they wanted, opt for an independent. 6 days ago · Within four months after the tribal raids led to the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir and eventually triggered the first war between India and Pakistan, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Kashmir’s most popular leader delivered a long speech to the United Nations Security Council (meeting ) on February 5, 5 days ago · Kashmir: Now Or Never, BISMILLAH HIR REHMAN UR RAHEEM In the name of GOD the most merciful the most beneficent. Mr. President Respected Teachers and my student colleagues ASSALAM U ALIKUM Today my speech is about Kashmir and the topic is NOW OR NEVER The people of Kashmir lived in conflicts since they started after the partition of India in as a dispute over the . |
Speech on Kashmir Issue | 5 days ago · RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Feb, ):All Pakistan Inter-Madaris speech competition entitled "Kashmir Issue" was held under auspices of Punjab Council of the Arts (PUCAR) to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day. The competition was presided over by Principal Jamia Islamia Dr Zafar Iqbal Jalali flanked by Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmed. 2 days ago · Prime Minister Imran Khan made a statement on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day, which generated a stir and led his political rivals to accuse him of breaching Pakistan’s long-standing stance on the Jammu and Kashmir issue. In his message, while addressing the people of Kashmir, the prime minister said that once they had acceded [ ]. 6 days ago · All Pakistan Inter-Madaris Speech Competition entitled “Kashmir Issue” was held under auspices of Punjab Council of the Arts to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day. The competition was presided over by Principal Jamia Islamia Dr Zafar Iqbal Jalali flanked by Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmed. |
Speech on Kashmir Issue - assured, what
The foreign minister, in a video message at the ambassadorial meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir held in New York, said the steadfast and resolute support of the OIC was a source of great strength to the Kashmiri people in their just and legitimate struggle for their inalienable right to self-determination. The OIC should forcefully demand India to rescind its illegal and unilateral actions in occupied Kashmir; halt its egregious human rights violations, and provide access to human rights organisations, including the UN fact finding mission and OIC Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission, he said. He hoped that the Contact Group meeting would help identify action-oriented and practical steps to this end. It was gratifying that the New York Chapter of the Contact Group is playing a prominent role in this collective effort, he said and lauded Azerbaijan, Niger, Saudi Arabia and Turkey for solidarity with the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir. Facebook Count.پیامِ مشرق
I ndia is not a country but a region where every nation has S;eech right to freedom. A large number of people from different walks of life including members of civil society, political and social sector, students, lawyers and journalists participated. Speakers urged the world forums, governments and rights bodies to play their role in stopping atrocities in the Indian-administered Kashmir.
The speakers said that the Speech on Kashmir Issue would have to end their illegal occupation of Kashmir and Junagadh state. India is not a country but a region. Like Europe, every nation living here has the right to a separate homeland.

Now is the time that not only the Indian occupation of Kashmir and Junagadh will end but also other freedom movements in India will see the dawn of their Speech on Kashmir Issue rights. We should be grateful to the visionary approach of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that he timely judged the extremist Hindu mentality and made it possible for the Spfech of India to have a separate state. There should be regular work on Kashmir and Junagadh issue by Pakistani missions abroad and Pakistanis living there can also play an important role in this regard. Various programs should be organized on the issue of Junagadh along with the Kashmir issue because Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and Junagadh is the heart of Pakistan.

Speakers said that the Pakistani nation stands with Kashmiri people and will continue every kind of political, diplomatic and moral support till freedom from Indian occupying forces. Kashmir is a disputed territory under the resolutions of the United Nations. Speakers added that draconian laws have been enforced in Occupied Kashmir by India to suppress the demand for self-determination by the people. Speakers admired strong will of Kashmiris to respond courageously to the torment and illegal detention by India. Furthermore, the settlement of Kxshmir in Kashmir is the artificial dressing of Indian democratic front to counter the self-determination struggle.
Speech on Kashmir Issue
Speakers said Speech on Kashmir Issue Kashmir issue should be resolved in conformity with UNSC resolutions, in line with the will of people of Kashmir on a humanitarian basis and the international community should play an effective role in this regard. The human rights organizations should take notice of flagrant violations of fundamental human rights by the Indian state apparatus and declare the same as state terrorism. Pakistan should adhere to its principled stance of the right of self-determination for the people of Kashmir, and Muslim countries should put diplomatic and political pressure on India so it resolves the issue according to its pledges. Pakistan should also contact and brief the United Nations Security Council on the current situation in Kashmir.
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