The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children -

The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children - opinion

As the pandemic wears on, ongoing and necessary public health measures expose many people to experiencing situations linked to poor mental health outcomes, such as isolation and job loss. This brief explores mental health and substance use in light of the spread of coronavirus. Specifically, we discuss the implications of social distancing practices and the economic recession on mental health, as well as challenges to accessing mental health or substance use services. Key takeaways include:. Poor mental health due to burnout among front-line workers and increased anxiety or mental illness among those with poor physical health are also concerns. Those with mental illness and substance use disorders pre-pandemic, and those newly affected, will likely require mental health and substance use services. The pandemic spotlights both existing and new barriers to accessing mental health and substance use disorder services. The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children

Furthermore, parents who abuse drugs often have children who are at increased risk of abusing drugs themselves, both because they view drug use as a normal activity or because they might think they need to turn to substances The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children deal with emotional or social problems. Although parents who are addicted to drugs might make an effort to provide a stable home for their children, the financial cost of drug use could prevent them from providing adequate food, housing and clothing for their children.

This can lead to poor parent-child bonds. In turn, these poor bonds might lead to behavioral problems in school and other social settings. When children grow up in homes with parents who abuse drugs, they are at a higher risk of becoming addicts themselves, according to the National Center on Addictions and Substance Abuse 2. This increased risk of substance abuse comes from the environmental stress associated with living with a parent who is an addict.

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For example, adolescents might use alcohol or other drugs to alleviate the anxiety of an unstable home environment or absentee parent. Additionally, drug addiction has a genetic component, which means that some children of addict parents are born predisposed to drug and alcohol addiction.

The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children

When a parent is addicted to drugs, she might struggle to maintain routine and structure. In particular, in addict families, children might be asked to assume adult roles such as cleaning, cooking and caring for younger siblings when the drug addicted parent is under the influence of substances. Furthermore, the effects of drugs can lead to inconsistent parenting. For example, a parent who is addicted to drugs might have difficulty maintaining a regular system of rules and consequences for breaking those rules.

The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children

This can lead to behavioral difficulties. In families with severe substance abuse issues, child protection agencies might remove the children from the addict parents and place them in foster care or the care of a stable relative.

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This can cause significant trauma for the child, even if she was at risk while in here care of her parents. Furthermore, even if the state does not remove the child from the home voluntarily, the substance-abusing parent might be arrested or incarcerated, which further strains the parent-child relationship and makes bonding difficult.

She is the founder of a nonprofit mental health group and personal coaching service. Dru

The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Children

More Articles. Parental Drug Abuse Effects on Children. Written by Anna Green. About the Author.]

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