The Future Of Medicine -

The Future Of Medicine

The Future Of Medicine - something is

Town Square with Ernie Manouse airs at 3 p. Tune in on Join the discussion at , questions townsquaretalk. We discuss his work and how the future of genome sequencing can pave the way for medical breakthroughs. Town Square with Ernie Manouse is a gathering space for the community to come together and discuss the day's most important and pressing issues. We also offer a free podcast here , on iTunes , and other apps. Production Staging. The Future Of Medicine.

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Three years later, he helped launch the West Wireless Health The Future Of Medicine, for which he is vice chairman and which is investigating use of wireless technology in the delivery of health care. The convergence of these two fields—genomics, marked by the rapidly plummeting cost of sequencing a person's entire genetic code, and wireless, with its flurry of innovative health-care apps—led Dr.

Topol to write "The Creative Destruction of Medicine," a book that offers an illuminating perspective on the coming digitization of health care.

The Future Of Medicine

It's also a reminder that while medicine is one of the globe's premier drivers of innovation, it is also a conservative culture that now finds itself buffeted by transformational change. Here are edited excerpts from the conversation:. WSJ: Let's start with the title.

The Future Of Medicine

What needs to be destroyed? One is that in medicine, everything we do essentially is at the population level. Whether it's mass screening or giving the same medication to all people with a particular diagnosis, this doesn't recognize the individuality of people.

The Future Of Medicine

I think it's fundamentally flawed. We now have the tools to do much better. Skip to Main Content Skip to Search. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services Dow Jones. Winslow wsj. To Read the Full Story.

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