The Impact Of Relationship Marketing On Cognitive -

The Impact Of Relationship Marketing On Cognitive

The Impact Of Relationship Marketing On Cognitive - right!

Relationship marketing has the aim of building mutually satisfying long Item relationship with key parties, customers, suppliers, distributors and other marketing partners in order to earn and retain their business. It builds strong economic, technical and social ties among the partners. The concept of relationship marketing illustrated with the example of a small shopkeeper, who would know most customers by name, through regular contact. He or she would therefore talk to customers frequently, know about their likes and dislikes, and aware of special requirements particular customers may have such as for cream on Friday, for example. When this is forgotten, one will lose his or her customers base. They will look for a speedy and effective response. But when customers receive a courteous, efficient and effective financial service, they come back for more and recommend your products and services to contact. In essence, relationship marketing involves knowing about your customers, encouraging two-way communication with them, and seeking to create a mutually beneficial relationship with them where appropriate. The aim of relationship marketing is to convert an individual or organization with initial interest purchasing goods and services into a loyal customers and the focus is as much on relating existing customers as on bringing in new ones. However, when customers are satisfied, they become unpaid agents and in return there will be profit maximization. The Impact Of Relationship Marketing On Cognitive

To attain the above objective, the present study investigates how religiosity moderates the above relationship in developing markets such as India, which has so far remained under-explored. This quantitative research was carried out by surveying respondents using a convenience sample technique.

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Data were analysed using structural equation modelling SEM. The findings suggest that religiosity impacts the outcomes of CrM campaigns, as it acts as a moderator of the relationship between scepticism and behavioural intention. This study contributes at the theoretical level by developing a conceptual framework that links scepticism and religiosity to behavioural intentions.


The Impact Of Relationship Marketing On Cognitive

This study also provides crucial directions to practitioners in terms of effectively designing CrM campaigns to influence behavioural intention by reducing scepticism. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Rent this article via DeepDyve.

The Impact Of Relationship Marketing On Cognitive

Amawate, V. Antecedents and consequences of consumer skepticism toward cause-related marketing: Gender as moderator and attitude as mediator. Journal of Marketing Communications1— Anderson, J. Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 3— Anuar, M. Effects of skepticism on consumer response toward cause-related Imlact in Malaysia.]

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