The Importance Of The Opium Wars In Video
The Second Opium War - History Matters (Short Animated Documentary)The Importance Of The Opium Wars In - simply
The fundamentalist Taliban took power in and banned use of all intoxicants, including opiates. However, Kabul had no objection to people selling drugs to infidels. But chaos meant that the poppy fields were replanted and smuggling revived. Moreover, Hamid Karzai rules little more than Kabul. Poppy production has spread to 28 of 32 provinces, and the Afghan government figures that about 30 percent of families are involved in the trade. Until now, controlling opium trafficking has not been the top U. Although the Defense Department is careful to appear cooperative, U. Which leaves interdiction.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Importance Of The Opium Wars In](
Opium or poppy tearsscientific name: Lachryma papaveris is dried latex obtained from the seed capsules of the opium poppy Papaver somniferum. The latex also contains the closely related opiates codeine and thebaineand non-analgesic alkaloids such as papaverine and noscapine.
The traditional, labor-intensive method of obtaining the latex is to scratch "score" the immature seed pods fruits by hand; the latex leaks out and dries to a sticky yellowish residue that is later scraped off and dehydrated.
The word " meconium " derived from the Greek for "opium-like", but now used to refer to newborn stools historically referred to related, weaker preparations made from other parts of the opium poppy or different species of poppies. The production methods have not significantly changed since ancient times. Through selective breeding of the Papaver somniferum plant, the content of the phenanthrene alkaloids morphine, codeine, and to a lesser extent thebaine has been greatly increased. In modern times, much of I thebaine, which often serves as the raw material for the synthesis for oxycodonehydrocodonehydromorphoneand other semisynthetic opiates, originates from extracting Papaver orientale or Papaver bracteatum.

It is then converted to heroin which is almost twice as potent, [7] and increases the value by a similar factor. The reduced weight and bulk make it easier to smuggle. The Mediterranean region contains the earliest archeological evidence of human use; the oldest known seeds Oc back to more than BC in the Neolithic age [9] with purposes such as food, anaestheticsand ritual.

Evidence from ancient Greece indicates that opium was consumed in several ways, Tye inhalation of vapors, suppositories, medical poulticesand as a combination with hemlock for suicide. Widespread medical use of unprocessed opium continued through the American Civil War before giving way to morphine and its successors, which could be injected at a precisely controlled dosage. Opium has been actively collected since approximately BC. Numerous finds of P. Opium production continued under the Babylonians and Egyptians.
Opium was used with poison hemlock to put people quickly and painlessly to death, but it was also used in medicine.
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Spongia somniferasponges soaked in opium, were used during surgery. By BC, opium was cultivated on Cypruswhere surgical-quality knives were used to score the poppy pods, and opium was cultivated, traded, and smoked. From the earliest finds, opium has appeared to have ritual significance, and anthropologists have speculated ancient priests may have used the drug as a proof of healing power.
Poppies also frequently adorned statues of ApolloAsklepiosPlutoDemeterAphroditeKybele and Isissymbolizing nocturnal oblivion. As the power of the Roman Empire declined, the The Importance Of The Opium Wars In to the south and east of the Mediterranean Sea became incorporated into the Islamic Empires. Some Muslims believe hadithssuch as in Sahih Bukhariprohibits every intoxicating substance, though the use of intoxicants in medicine has been widely permitted by scholars.
The renowned Andalusian ophthalmologic surgeon Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi "Abulcasis", — AD relied on opium and mandrake as surgical anaesthetics and wrote a treatise, al-Tasrifthat influenced medical thought well into the 16th century.
Setting up the “new Cold War”
The text lists medicinal effects of opium, such as analgesia, hypnosis, antitussive effects, gastrointestinal effects, cognitive effects, respiratory depression, neuromuscular disturbances, and sexual dysfunction. It also refers to opium's potential as a poison. Avicenna describes several methods of delivery and recommendations for doses of the drug.
Manuscripts of Pseudo-Apuleius 's 5th-century work from the 10th and 11th centuries refer to the use of wild poppy Papaver agreste or Papaver rhoeas identified as P. The use of Paracelsus ' laudanum was introduced to Western medicine inwhen Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, better known by the name Paracelsus, returned from his wanderings in Arabia with a famous sword, within the pommel of which he kept "Stones of Immortality" compounded from opium thebaicum, citrus juice, and "quintessence of gold".
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In the s, laudanum was recommended for pain, sleeplessness, and diarrhea by Thomas Sydenham[32] the renowned "father of English medicine" or "English Hippocrates", to whom is attributed the quote, "Among the remedies which it has pleased Almighty God to give to man to relieve his sufferings, none is so universal and so efficacious as opium. Subsequently, laudanum became the basis of many popular patent medicines of the 19th century. Compared to other chemicals available to 18th century regular physicians, opium was a benign alternative to the arsenics, mercuries, or emetics, and it was remarkably successful in alleviating a wide range of ailments.]
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