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His courtship of Sophie Choteka lady-in-waitingcaused conflict within the imperial household, and their morganatic marriage in was only allowed after he renounced his descendants' rights to the throne.

The Life of Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand held significant influence over the military, and in he was appointed inspector general of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces. Franz Ferdinand's assassination The Life of Franz Ferdinand to the July Crisis and precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbiawhich in turn triggered a series of events that eventually led to Austria-Hungary's allies and Serbia's allies declaring war on each other, starting World War I.

Inwhen he was eleven years old, his cousin Francis V, Duke of Modena died, naming Franz Ferdinand his heir on condition that he add the name "Este" to his own. Franz Ferdinand thus became Frana of the wealthiest men in Austria.

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InFranz Ferdinand's life changed dramatically. The Life of Franz Ferdinand cousin Crown Prince Rudolf committed suicide at his hunting lodge in Mayerling. Karl Ludwig died of typhoid fever in Despite this burden, he did manage to find time for travel and personal pursuits, such as his circumnavigation of the world between and The Archduke and his wife visited England in the autumn ofspending a week with George V and Queen Mary at Windsor Castle before going to stay for another week with the Duke of Portland at Welbeck AbbeyNottinghamshirewhere they arrived on 22 November.

He attended a service at the local Catholic church in Worksop and the Duke and Archduke went game shooting on the Welbeck estate when, according to the Duke's memoirs, Men, Women and Things :. One of the loaders fell down.

The Life of Franz Ferdinand

Lief caused both barrels of the gun he was carrying to be discharged, the shot passing within a few feet of the The Life of Franz Ferdinand and myself. I have often wondered whether the Great War might not have been averted, or at least postponed, had the archduke met his death there and not in Sarajevo the following year. Franz Ferdinand had a fondness for trophy hunting that was excessive even by the standards check this out European nobility of this time. Franz Ferdinand, like most males in the ruling Habsburg line, entered the Austro-Hungarian Army at a young age. He was frequently and rapidly promoted, given the rank of lieutenant at age fourteen, captain at twenty-two, colonel at twenty-seven, and major general at thirty-one.

He also held honorary ranks in the Austro-Hungarian Navyand received the rank of Admiral at the close of the Austro-Hungarian naval maneuvers in Ferdiband Franz Ferdinand exerted influence on the armed forces even when he did not hold a specific command through a military chancery that produced and received documents and papers on military affairs. This was headed by Alexander Brosch von Aarenau and eventually employed a staff of sixteen. Franz inas heir-presumptive to the elderly emperor, had been appointed inspector general of all the armed forces of Austria-Hungary Generalinspektor der gesamten bewaffneten The Life of Franz Ferdinanda position superior to that held by Archduke Albrecht and including presumed command in wartime.

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They kept their relationship a secret, [23] until it was discovered by Fwrdinand herself. To be eligible to marry a member of the imperial House of Habsburg, one had to be a member of one of the reigning or formerly reigning dynasties of Europe. The Choteks were not one of these families. Deeply in love, Franz Ferdinand refused to consider marrying anyone else.

The Life of Franz Ferdinand

Finally, inEmperor Franz Joseph agreed to Ferdinnand Franz Source to marry Sophie, on the condition that the marriage would be morganatic and that their descendants would not have succession rights to the throne.

She would not be allowed to ride in the royal carriage or sit in the royal box in theaters.

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This raised her status considerably, but she still yielded precedence at court to all the archduchesses. Whenever a function required the couple to assemble with the other members of the imperial family, Sophie was forced to stand far down the line, separated from her husband.

The German historian Michael Freund described Franz Ferdinand as "a man of uninspired energy, dark in appearance and emotion, who radiated an aura of strangeness and cast a shadow of violence and recklessness Francis Ferdinand was a prince of absolutist inclinations, but he had certain intellectual gifts and undoubted moral earnestness. One of his projects — though because The Life of Franz Ferdinand his impatient, suspicious, almost hysterical temperament, his commitment to it, the methods by which he proposed to bring it about, often changed — was to consolidate Ferdinanv structure of the state and the authority and popularity of the Crown, on which he saw clearly that the fate of the dynasty depended, by abolishing, if not the dominance of the German Austrians, which he wished to maintain for military reasons, though he wanted to diminish it in the civil administration, certainly the far more burdensome sway of the Magyars over the Slav and Romanian nationalities which in —49 had saved the dynasty in armed combat with the Hungarian revolution.

Baron Margutti, Francis Joseph's aide-de-camp, was told by Francis Ferdinand in and — with a remarkable consistency in view of the changes that took place in the intervening years — again inthat the introduction of the dual system in had been disastrous and that, when he ascended the throne, he intended to re-establish strong central government: this objective, he believed, could be attained only by the simultaneous granting of far-reaching Liife autonomy to all the nationalities of the monarchy.

In a letter of February 1,to Berchtold, the Foreign Minister, in which he gave his reasons for not wanting war with Serbia, the Archduke said The Life of Franz Ferdinand ov in our country]

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