The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War -

The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War - this rather

Posted by admin Feb 20, Latest , Other News 0. Those that believe that happy days are here again have a fundamental misunderstanding of the times in which we live. If all of this holds true, it would mean that many aspects of pre-pandemic life will return even before summer is upon us. Because case numbers guide local policies, much of the country could soon have reason to lift many or even most restrictions on distancing, gathering, and masking. Pre-pandemic norms could return to schools, churches, and restaurants. Sports, theater, and cultural events could resume. In most of the U. Cases are doubling approximately every 10 days, according to a recent Scripps Research Institute study.

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How Slavery Caused the American Civil War The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War

Among the points in common that may exist between the two leaders of the First International, perhaps the primary one is that their thought was distorted by their followers to an identical degree. In Bakunin there is a constant dynamic between the mass action of the proletariat and the action of organised revolutionary minorities. Neither of these two aspects of the struggle against capitalism can be disassociated from each other.

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The same phenomenon will be found in the Marxist movement with reformist social-democracy in Germany and radical, Jacobin social-democracy in Russia. The former advocate mass action of the workers in a structured organisation, the collectivisation of the means of production and the organisation of these means in a coherent whole, and the preparation of the workers for social transformation.

The latter refuse any authority, any discipline of organisation; tactical sense is considered to be a delay in the struggle against capital. This current is defined in an essentially negative way: against authority, hierarchy, power, legal action. Its political programme can be found in the conceptions of communal autonomy directly inspired by Kropotkin, and in particular The Conquest of Bread.

The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War

This current triumphed at the CNT Congress at Zaragoza inwhose resolutions expressed ignorance of Miwunderstanding economic mechanisms of society, and contempt for economic and social reality. The foundation of the future society is the free commune. Each commune is free to do what it wants. The first emphasises mass action, economic organisation and methods.

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Each of the two currents claim — often pro forma — Bakunin. At times, Bakunin is a champion of the spontaneity of the masses; at other times, he asserts the need for political leadership over the masses. Generally, the anarchists have retained the first aspect of his thought and completely abandoned the second. Its mission was to select revolutionary cadres and to guide mass organisations, or create them where they did not yet exist.

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It was an ideologically coherent grouping. It is difficult to see spontaneity here. Bakunin was only saying that if revolutionary minorities must act among the masses, they must not replace the masses. Ultimately, it is always the masses themselves who must act, and for their own purpose.

Revolutionary militants must impel the workers to organise and, when circumstances require, they must not hesitate to take up the leadership. This idea stands in stark contrast to what anarchism has subsequently become. Thus, inwhen the Russian anarchist Volin was pressured by the insurgent Russian workers to take over the presidency of the St. Petersburg soviet, he refused, because he was not a worker, and because he did not want to act as an authority. Finally, the presidency fell to Trotsky, who The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War the position after the first president FO was arrested.

The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War

Mass action and action by revolutionary minorities are inseparable to Bakunin, but the action of revolutionary minorities has meaning only in relation to the mass organisation of the proletariat. Isolated from the organised proletariat, revolutionaries are condemned to inefficiency. And when this instinct, this will, this organisation is lacking, the best books in the world are nothing but empty theories, impotent dreams.

The Misunderstanding Of The Civil War

Anarchism has been presented as an apolitical, abstentionist movement, playing with words and giving it a different meaning to that which the Bakuninists gave it.]

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