The Terminally Ill PatientS Death Is Imminent -

The Terminally Ill PatientS Death Is Imminent

How should a nurse position the body after the death of a patient? Prone b. Supine c. On the side d.

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In Fowler position According to Strauss and Glaser, three states of Tye of terminal i What do these states include? Denial, anger, and depression b. Shock, yearning, and anguish c. Avoidance, confrontation, and accommodation d. Closed awareness, mutual pretense, and open awareness When planning the care of a patient who is terminally ill, a nurse should include the prevention of pain and relief from discomfort.

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What should the nurse implement link administering pain medication? Narcotics have the potential for addiction. Pain medication must be given before the pain becomes unbearable. Pain medication should be given no more often than every 6 hours.

Narcotics must be given as needed only. What is one of the most Deatb interventions for a nurse to implement when caring for a patient who is terminally ill?

The Terminally Ill PatientS Death Is Imminent

Touching and listening to the patient b. Encouraging the patient to express any regrets c. The Terminally Ill PatientS Death Is Imminent for signs and symptoms of impending death d. Talking to the patient about how other patients have handled the dying process A nurse is assessing a patient who is terminally ill for clinical signs of impending death. Deep, clear breath sounds b. Noisy, wet-sounding respirations c. Even, unlabored respirations d. Shallow, clear breath sounds [Show More]. Avoid resits and achieve higher grades with the best study guides, textbook notes, and class notes written by your fellow students. Your fellow students know the appropriate material to use Terminaloy deliver high quality content.

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The Terminally Ill PatientS Death Is Imminent

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The Terminally Ill PatientS Death Is Imminent

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