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The Democratic Socialists of America DSA is a socialist and labor -oriented nonprofit organization in the United States, whose members' ideological views range from social democracy to democratic socialism. DebsNorman Thomas and Michael Harrington. The DSOC, which Harrington described as "the remnant of a remnant", soon became the largest democratic socialist Ameirca in the United States. Init merged with the New American Movement NAMa coalition of intellectuals with roots in the New Left movements of the s and former members of socialist and communist parties of the Old Left.

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Upon the founding of the DSA, Harrington and the socialist feminist author Barbara Ehrenreich were elected as co-chairs of the organization. The DSA does not run candidates on its own ballot line in elections, but instead "fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people. Eleven were elected to state legislatures. Dorothy Ray Healey served as Vice Chair in The red rose is part of the official logo of the DSA, [21] having traditionally been a symbol of socialism [22] since the Haymarket Affair and the resulting May Day marches from the 19th century to the current day.

The United States Of America Elected A

In electoral politics, the DSA was very strongly associated with Michael Harrington 's position that "the left wing of realism is found today in the Democratic Party". In its early years, the DSA opposed Republican presidential candidates by giving critical support to Democratic Party nominees like Walter Mondale in The DSA's elected leadership has often seen working within the Democratic Party as necessary rather than forming or support third parties. Much of progressive, independent political action will continue to occur in Democratic Party primaries Eldcted support of candidates who represent a broad progressive coalition.

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In such instances, democratic socialists will support coalitional campaigns based on labor, women, people of color and other potentially anti-corporate elements. Electoral tactics are only a means for democratic socialists; the building of a powerful anti-corporate coalition is the end. Inthe organization backed John Kerry after he won the Democratic nomination.

The only resolution on upcoming elections at the DSA's convention focused on Bernie Sanders 's independent campaign for the Senate in Vermont. Sanders gave the keynote address.

The United States Of America Elected A

Kennedy in Following Obama's election, many on the political right [38] began to allege that his administration's policies were "socialistic", a claim rejected by the DSA and the Obama administration alike. The claim led DSA National Director Frank Llewellyn to declare that "over the past 12 months, the Democratic Socialists of America has received more media attention than it has over the past 12 years".]

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