The Way of the Warrior Bushido -

The Way of the Warrior Bushido

The Way of the Warrior Bushido Video

BUSHIDO [7 Virtues ] The Way of the Warrior. The Way of the Warrior Bushido

Years ago I went to a psychiatrist who was shockingly unhelpful. The code stresses loyalty and duty and is heavily influenced by Confucianism. They were to maintain a benevolent yet detached attitude toward life; caring for the earth and other people without developing passions that could cloud their judgment.


Sometimes listed as righteousness, this virtue means doing the right thing and pursuing what is fair. This virtue goes beyond just actions on the battlefield. Courage requires the strength to do what is right Wariror the time and also to face your life as a whole with confidence. It encompasses living life completely and fully. Use your power and strength for the greater good.

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View the world through the eyes of others and help others at every opportunity. Deal with others with politeness and courtesy. Acknowledge and have regard for the experiences and feelings of others.

The Way of the Warrior Bushido

Integrity and Honesty. Be honest in your dealings with others and speak the truth. This means living a life of self-worth and being true to yourself. How we live and the decisions we make define who we are. You cannot hide from yourself.

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Duty and Loyalty. You should have loyalty and feel a sense of duty to those in your care such as your friends, family, and co-workers.

The Way of the Warrior Bushido

Act in furtherance of your society and country. Act in private as you would act as if you were being observed. So, I guess I did gain something from my laughably bad psychiatrist. The main character goes to what is probably the worst psychiatrist in all of literature. I just finished My Year of Rest and Relaxation today, based on your recommendation.]

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