Yemen The Original Land Of Birth Of -

Yemen The Original Land Of Birth Of

Yemen The Original Land Of Birth Of Video

Protests in Yemen to mark 2,000 days of Saudi-led attacks Yemen The Original Land Of Birth Of.

Abia was 15 years old and eight months pregnant. Al-Shurmani recalled. Escalating hostilities had forced her family to flee from Taizz to the camp. More than 20 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. The health system hangs together by a thread; only about half of all health facilities in Yemen are functional, and of those still operating, only 20 per cent provide maternal and child health services.


A woman dies in childbirth every two hours. Already, more than a million Bieth and breastfeeding women are acutely malnourished, a number likely to double as food insecurity rises. Al-Shurmani and her outreach team visit Abia and her newborn to deliver supplies and services. Inmore than 80 of the UNFPA-supported health facilities closed due to funding gaps, causing more than 1 million women to lose access to critical care and safe childbirth. Preventable maternal deaths have been documented in districts where these facilities have been closed.

Yemen The Original Land Of Birth Of

On 1 March, the governments of Sweden and Originsl and the United Nations are convening a virtual high-level pledging event for the humanitarian crisis. After she began to haemorrhage during labour, her husband rushed to find Ms. Abia survived, and she delivered a healthy baby girl. The maternal health and protection needs of women and girls greatly outstrip available resources.

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Those services are only possible through the extraordinary efforts of women like Ms. Trained by UNFPA to identify and assist survivors of gender-based violence, she works on an outreach team providing health services, psychosocial care and other support. Her work is often gruelling. The job takes an emotional toll, as well. Al-Shurani has seen the vulnerabilities of women and girls increase dramatically. Child marriage rates are also rising as families struggle with poverty and insecurity. A recent UNFPA study across three governorates showed that 1 in 5 displaced girls, aged 10 to 19,were married. Among host communities, this number was 1 in 8.

Yemen The Original Land Of Birth Of

Abia was one of those girls — she was married off a little over a year ago, at age Tragically, that outreach team is the last one still in operation.]

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