Youth Suicide in Australia - think
The tea brand has been created by the Australian media, marketing and creative industry and is the first social enterprise product to raise funds for youth mental health programs. Profits from MOOD tea will go towards funding mental health programs run by charity partners of UnLtd, the company behind the tea brand. Partners include batyr, BackTrack and Gotcha4Life. Youth suicide is the biggest killer of young Australians. MOOD tea wants to harness the collective power of the industry and make a monumental social change. The more people and organisations that get involved, the more lives that we can help to save. It takes more young lives each year than cancer or car accidents. By choosing MOOD, consumers can sip selflessly knowing that all profits fund youth mental health programs. Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more. Youth Suicide in AustraliaYouth Suicide in Australia Video
🇦🇺 Australia's Lost Generation: Battling Aboriginal Suicide - REWIND
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet. Journal Youth Suicide in Australia published elsewhere Risk factors associated with suicide clusters in Australian youth: identifying who is at risk and the mechanisms associated with cluster membership Posted on : 8 March, Issue : Vol 21 No 1, January — Related to Health Injury Social and emotional wellbeing Population Adolescents Research States and Territories National. Current issue Original articles peer reviewed Reviews Brief reports Current topics Journal articles published elsewhere Reports and publications published elsewhere Resources published elsewhere Conference presentations published elsewhere Theses published elsewhere Websites.

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