Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture -

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture - excellent

In the Corona-period, there has been a famine of education, especially practical education. Online education which people used to consider to be a sign of fuss or modernity or fashion, is now being adopted and imposed by will and reluctance. Gone are the days when 'home-based education' in distance education was considered insufficient from the point of view of practicality, but now the same old 'home-based education' has started to become compulsory as it is not known where Corona is hovering. In this article, an attempt will be made to understand that instead of online, offline there is a need to provide remote and necessary professional site education. Measures of incorporating experimentalism in education are also being shown here, along with the benefits and disadvantages of online education, so that education is inclusive. Online study and teaching of courses from home through the medium of phone or desktop etc. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture Video

What is Technology and some of its Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture

Classroom teaching methods generate a lot of debate among educators. Some teachers think the traditional lecture method of teaching is the only way, while others claim students need to be more actively involved in the learning process. In a classroom lecture, the teacher will talk about one subject for a set amount of time. Any instructor considering teaching her students using classroom lectures should take time to consider the method's advantages and disadvantages.

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An instructor has a lot of material that she is required to teach and not so much time Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture cover it. The lecture method allows the teacher to decide what material to teach and ensures that it is explained to students in the way she desires within the allotted time. Other methods of teaching that give more autonomy to the students require more class time. For example, learning material through group research may take a long time depending on how fast students can learn and work. Disaxvantages group lecture, on the other hand, covers the same material in a shorter time since time is only dependent on how long it takes the teacher to explain the concepts she plans to teach.

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Part of the teacher lecture method is that the teacher is in control of what material the students will learn. Therefore, the teacher could share with the students her own knowledge on things that may not be written in published material.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lecture

On the other hand, a self-discovery learning method that involves the students researching a specific topic of information on their own cannot ensure that they will discover key information. The lecture method involves the teacher doing all the talking with little or no input from the students. This is problematic because the student takes on a passive role, which can hinder learning.

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Students need be active learners to keep the brain working and integrating new information. The teacher must make sure to involve the students by asking the students questions and encouraging participation so they learn the material. It is very difficult Disadgantages a student to sit for a long time and listen to a teacher drone on about a topic.]

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