African Colonialism And Its Effects On Africa -

African Colonialism And Its Effects On Africa - mine the

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Such battles have even led to a call for the state to be dissolved. In our paperwe source the history of how this came about. We use frameworks provided by three philosophers and historians. To trace the first phase — what we refer to as the invented phase, from to — we use a framework by historians Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger.

African Colonialism And Its Effects On Africa

The second phase we describe as the imagined phase. For this, we draw on a framework provided by political historian Benedict Anderson. They describe the colonial construction of a dominant majority and minority based on race, ethnicity and religion.

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Has it worked? We conclude that Africans need to take responsibility for their own actions. They need to consciously expose the effects that the colonial project had — and continues to have. And they need to look for ways to undo these. This Ita accepting responsibility in instances where the mentality of coloniality has been internalised. For example, under British colonial rule, people were placed into different groups — which cut short their history and upset their social arrangements.

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While British colonialism sought to form one Nigeria, it created destructive divisions. This happened in two ways.

African Colonialism And Its Effects On Africa

The colonial administration created physical borders to demarcate people and enable economic exploitation. Unsurprisingly, many conflicts have arisen over identity tied to power distribution and the control of resources. Groups that once flourished together with minor tensions and skirmishes have intractable enemies due to these meaningless borderlines.

Psychological borders were also created to build hatred and bigotry.

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This can be seen in the way black skin and Africa are perceived or talked about. Article source instance, colourism favours black people of lighter hue while stigmatising and marginalising black people of darker hues. Centuries of normalised anti-blackness have unsurprisingly resulted in skin bleaching and hair straightening practices. These are still common on the continent. This form of colonialism remains in the oversimplification and generalisation of African practices and cultures to associate them only with negative connotations and undesirable traits.

Acts of creating difference were continued during the second phase between and In this period British colonialism promulgated several policies to control African people. These sorts of policies, as Peace Scholar Surulola Eke wrote:.]

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