Christianity and Hinduism -

Really: Christianity and Hinduism

Christianity and Hinduism 431
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Christianity and Hinduism. Christianity and Hinduism

A message was circulated on social media groups for a poor Hindu youth who was undergoing dialysis and would survive only through a kidney transplant.

Christianity and Hinduism

In the highest order of human love and compassion, Father Jojo did not have second thoughts and click here to donate his kidney to the youth who is from a poor community. This exemplifies the communal harmony in Kerala. He was initiated into Capuchin priesthood seven years ago. Once Father Jojo decided to donate his kidney, tests were conducted and it was found that the blood group and other parameters matched to the receiver.

The wife of the receiver has also decided to donate her kidney to another person thus Christianity and Hinduism the good deed of Father Christianity and Hinduism. The woman is donating her kidney to a year-old youth from Thamarassery in Kozhikode district. All the four surgeries are taking place simultaneously at a private hospital in Kozhikode.

Medical Negligence

Spread the love Tweet 2 Comments Great News. God bless them all. Great sacrifice by Father Jojo, reflecting the true gesture of humanity… Congratulations to you Father Jojo and to all the humanitarians. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign up to our newsletter.

Christianity and Hinduism

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