Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older -

Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older

Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older - consider, that

Coronary heart disease CHD is the leading cause of death worldwide Wang et al. The incidence and prevalence of CHD increase greatly with age Kattainen et al. These psychological problems may not only increase the use of healthcare services, but they also result in disease deterioration Dehdari et al. A previous study has shown that most of the elderly population has three or more comorbid illnesses Caughey et al. As people age, the risk of chronic conditions increases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and arthritis Wu et al. Comorbidity is related to a decline in many health outcomes including QoL and psychological distress, which increases the use of health care resources Fortin et al. Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older.

Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older Video

RISE-WELL - CritIcal solutions for elderly well-being Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older

This study aimed to map the course and overlapping trajectories of Olver health symptoms, and associations with PI in a traffic injury population. METHODS: In total, adults sustaining minor-to-moderate traffic injury were recruited within 28 days post-injury and assessed using phone interviews at 1, 6 and months post-injury. Bio-psychosocial predictors e.

Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older

An asymmetrical relationship was also found between mental health and PI. Predictors of non-resilient mental health trajectories included poorer pre-injury health and social support, and shared factors like acute psychological distress and pain catastrophizing. Open Access libre. Toggle navigation Menu. Pozzato et al.]

Comorbidity Relationships And Health Outcomes For Older

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