I Am A Hopeless Romantic - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

I Am A Hopeless Romantic Video

The Bouncing Souls - Hopeless Romantic I Am A Hopeless Romantic

Know, how: I Am A Hopeless Romantic

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I Am A Hopeless Romantic

Young Chop on the beat. And through my phone I'm scrolling, bang my line.

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Seems like I am always chosen by romantics that are hopeless. Penthouse jumpin' from the front to back room. Do you like sex?

I Am A Hopeless Romantic

If you thinkin' yes, then I'm tryna test you. Say I'm Khalifa, the best, but I got money to get. Probably don't call, I'ma text probably don't call, I'ma text.

I Am A Hopeless Romantic

I'm getting all of my checks getting all of my checks. I'm winning all of my bets winning all of my bets. No, I ain't lettin' you down, baby, I'm giving a hundred percent.

I Am A Hopeless Romantic

Seems like I'm always chosen by romantics that are hopeless. Newer Posts Older Posts.]

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