Importance Of The First Amendment Essay -

Importance Of The First Amendment Essay - congratulate, magnificent

There are many important freedoms that are protected by the first amendment but in this essay were going to discuss my opinions on what are the 5 most important ones and why i think that. These are the ones that affect people the most. The ones that are used more often than most. They help keep people in check and help their problems peacefully. Freedom of the press is important because it allows news channels to keep us updated on the things that are happening in the world. This makes the public feel like there is less being hidden from the government. It can also help people with basic information such as the weather, car accidents and closings of roads, new businesses in the area or new products in the market, etc. Skip to content. Previous Previous. Next Continue. Importance Of The First Amendment Essay

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Why is the First Amendment important?

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Importance Of The First Amendment Essay - thank

The constitution clearly states that we have the freedom of speech. If the government did censor speech, so many problems would arise. Some problems may be, how limiting our speech is unconstitutional, wars could occur. Censoring speech in America is a horrible idea. One of the major principles of the United States government has always been the freedom of speech given to its citizens, but what really comes with this freedom? Does this founding principle make it socially acceptable to create uncomfortable environments and use words to injure others?

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. This is an inalienable right that allows us to express our ideas and opinions and to communicate with each other.

Importance Of The First Amendment Essay

Some people use this amendment to justify something wrong that they did. If a person says something to harm or insult someone then there should be a limit placed under the freedom of speech and they should not be protected under the US Court.

Censorship and the First Amendment - The American Citizen’s Right to Free

So imagine you were in the movie theater and someone screamed "fire fire" but there actually was no fire. This action can harm people. They can get a heart attack or everyone can run outside and trip all over each other.

Importance Of The First Amendment Essay

The person who screamed can argue that they are protected underneath the First Amendment and that they have the freedom of speech. However this action can harm people and that's why there should be a limited place on Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or Amendmeht the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to assemble peacefully, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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The first and the most significant of the amendments to our Constitution is the First Amendment. The First Amendment ratification was completed on December 15, This happened when the eleventh State, which is Virginia, approved this amendment. At that time there were fourteen States in the Union. There are many examples that show use of The First Amendment and there are also many examples that show breaking of it. One of the major organizations that exercise free speech is the press. The press has come up with the phrase, "It is the people's First Amendment right to know.

The press had the right to release information to the public, but they had to use judgment in what they released. Certain news that they might release could put people in danger, therefore taking away the right of all people to be safe. Freedom is what our country It was written in Fifty-five men were there. The Constitution of the United States divides the government into three branches. First the Legislative branch, then the Judicial branch, last the Importance Of The First Amendment Essay branch. The Constitution of the United States here up the balance of power between the states.

The rights that get added to the Constitution of the United States are called the amendments. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights. To date there are twenty-seven amendments to the constitution. The Constitutional of the United States has become a model Importance Of The First Amendment Essay most countries the world. It is a document that will last forever. Before the First Amendment was ratified, Americans had few rights. If you wanted to publish a paper, it went through the law. If you wanted to speak or say an opinion about the government or anything, you would need permission from the law.

Thankfully to the First Amendment we have The First Amendment and Its Conflict Freedom of speech, of religion, of the press, to assemble peacefully, and petition; this set of guarantees, protected by the First Amendmentcomprises what we refer to as freedom of expression.

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However, many people will say that the law has stopped people from being able to exercise their rights. Personally I believe that people have lost their freedom to exercise their rights mentioned in the first amendment. The problem does not just stand for other races that come into the country like a middle easterner or another race that may be suspicious but also to everyday American citizens. Having the first amendment in our bill of rights is supposed to allow us to exercise these rights, not only parts of them which is what the law is doing to the American citizens. Freedom of speech is one of the portions of the first amendment that I am sure every American citizen exercises their right to every day.]

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