Influences of a Teacher -

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At primary school level pupils need guidance and more info, motivation and supervision to enhance their performance and to Influemces with their peers. Motivation has strong effect on educational attainments of the students and helps shape their further improvement. According to Higbee motivation plays a very important role in the process of learning. He explains that there are two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. In Influences of a Teacher motivation students participate in different activities for enjoyment.

In extrinsic motivation students participate in different activity only to receive a reward or to avoid punishment. These include gifts that one receives after obtaining good grades.

Influences of a Teacher

Motivation to learn referred to the value, and benefits of academic tasks to the learner regardless of whether or Healthsouth the tasks were intrinsically interesting. Motivation involves a constellation of beliefs, Influences of a Teacher, values, interests, and actions that are all closely related.

As a result, various approaches to motivation can focus on cognitive behaviors such as monitoring and strategy usenon-cognitive aspects such as perceptions, beliefs, Teacner attitudesor both. Gottfried defines academic motivation as enjoyment of school learning characterized by a mastery orientation; curiosity; persistence; taskendogeny; and the learning of challenging, difficult, and novel tasks.

On the other hand, Turner considers motivation to be synonymous with cognitive engagement, which he defines as voluntary uses of high-level selfregulated learning strategies, such as paying attention, connection, planning, and monitoring. The notion of intrinsic motivation is closely related to intrinsic value. Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is animated by personal enjoyment, interest, or pleasure, and is usually contrasted with extrinsic motivation, which is manipulated by reinforcement contingencies Guay, Typically, manipulation of extrinsic motivation is effected by the provision of rewards, which can be either tangible like money, grades and privileges or intangible such as praise.

However, extrinsic motivation can come about by other means. For example, self- determination theory distinguishes several different types of regulatory mechanisms that can act as TTeacher. External regulation corresponds to the lowest level of self-determination, where behavior w motivated by a desire for reward or punishment avoidance. According to Goldberg, Gallimore, Reese Garnier Influences of a Teacher, pupils with intrinsic motivation in academic would have higher self-perceptions of competence in academics and that pupils who are extrinsically motivated would have lower perceived academic competence. Examining the construct of intrinsic motivation in elementary school pupils is significant and important, because academic article source motivation in the elementary years may have profound implications for initial and future school success.

Gottfried and Gelman found positive correlations between motivation and achievement. Specifically, young pupils with higher academic intrinsic motivation had significantly higher achievement and intellectual Influences of a Teacher.

She also found that early intrinsic motivation correlates with later motivation and achievement and that later motivation is predictable from early achievement Gottfried and Gelman It was Teachfr found that perceived academic competence was positively related to intrinsic motivation. It seems that pupils who feel competent and self-determined in the school context develop an autonomous motivational profile Influences of a Teacher education, which in turn leads them to obtain higher school grades.

Perceived academic competence and perceived academic self-determination positively IMPACT autonomous academic motivation, which in turn had a positive impact on school performance. Children are naturally motivated to learn from the time they are born. read more

Influences of a Teacher

Influences of a Teacher whose learning and discovery is encouraged when they are infants and preschoolers will approach school related learning as challenging, interesting, and rewarding. Children with positive academic motivation believe that they can be successful if they try hard, work in order to master the material, and are motivated to improve their performance rather than just do better than other children. Education in Kenya is considered as a basic need and a basic right.


However, the level of attainment of education is measured by the performance of students in the examination. There has been a decline in performance in the national examination and especially in Makueni County in the recent years. The government has implemented many strategies concerning the improvement of learning.]

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