Latinos And The Latino Population -

Latinos And The Latino Population

Latinos And The Latino Population - yes can

Hispanics play an important economic role in the United States. According to one report, if one will take away the presence of Hispanics in the U. In addition, the continuous immigration of immigrants from Mexico and other Latino countries adds more people into the overall population of the United States. In other words, there is a significant number of Hispanics that require adequate and appropriate healthcare. Furthermore, lower educational attainment levels are common among Hispanics. These issues have exacerbated the problems related to barriers in delivering culturally competent carrier. There are at least three major barriers to the delivery of culturally competent care for members of the Hispanic population. These are listed as follows:. In addressing the problems created by the language barrier, it is not enough to simply learn how to speak Spanish. Health care workers, and health care professionals must understand the cultural belief system that gives meaning to those words. Latinos And The Latino Population

Latinos And The Latino Population - with


And 60 percent of the Hispanic population is Mexican American. Biden, a longtime champion of policies that would give citizenship to millions of undocumented immigrants, bungled both of these elementary claims. The president said most undocumented migrants in the United States are not Layinos, when in fact they are.

Weeks later, Biden said Hispanics are the fastest-growing population group, but census data shows they have taken second place to Asian Americans in recent decades.

Background Information on Hispanic Population

The number of U. Because of the uncertain nature of counting the undocumented population, no definitive estimates exist of how many reside in the United States or their racial or ethnic breakdown. The widely accepted ballpark is between 10 million and 14 million. The White House did not respond to a question on this point. Using census data, the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute estimated an undocumented population of nearly 11 million as of Of those, 75 percent hailed from Mexico or Central or South America, the group said.

The Pew Research Center estimated At Meanwhile, there was a rise in the number from Central America and Asia. Biden said most undocumented migrants are people who enter the United States legally and then overstay their visas, a phenomenon involving air travelers from Asia or Europe, rather than Spanish-speaking migrants trekking to the border. Government statistics and independent studies show that in recent years, visa overstays have in fact outpaced migrations from unauthorized border-crossings. In fiscalthe Department of Homeland Security reportedsuspected in-country overstays, or twice the number of southern border apprehensions. In fiscalU. The issue here is that Biden was speaking about the entire undocumented population accumulated over time. When looking comprehensively across decades, border-crossings are still the top driver of undocumented migration, albeit by a hair.

This is because Latinos And The Latino Population overall unauthorized population is a long settled one — we estimate that 60 percent have been in the U. Wrong Latinos And The Latino Population. Hispanics have been the second-fastest-growing demographic group, after Asian Americans, since aroundaccording to census figures.

Three Barriers

The two groups had been growing at similar rates since The Asian American population grew by Census Bureau said in a recent continue reading Latinos And The Latino Population trends in population growth. The spokesperson sent us figures from the National Center for Education Statistics, showing that for the period from throughAsian American and Pacific Islanders were projected to have gone from 4 percent of enrollees in public elementary and secondary schools to 5 percent, while Hispanic Americans were projected to have gone from 14 percent to 27 percent, the fastest growth of any group. Between andthe non-Hispanic White population is expected to contract by about 19 million people, from million to million, even as the total U. The decline is driven largely by falling birth rates and a rising number of deaths over source as the non-Hispanic White population ages.

For the moment, Asians make up about one-quarter of the total immigrant population, whereas Mexicans and Latinos together represent about half of all immigrants in the United States. But reliable estimates show the vast majority, about 75 percent, are in fact Hispanic.

Biden erroneously said Hispanics were the fastest-growing population group. They have been running in second place to Asian Americans since aboutand are projected to keep running behind Asians through at least.

Latinos And The Latino Population

Some basic fact-checking would have saved the president from egg on his face, but instead he gets Three Pinocchios. Send us facts to check by filling out this form. Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions. Looking to Travel for Business or Pleasure?

Latinos And The Latino Population

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