Life of a Correctional Officer -

Life of a Correctional Officer - your

You write very well. I came across your "Guide to Bankruptcy" on Amazon. You have many talents. Well written. You certainly shed light on what prison is all about without sounding resentful or negative. That is a strength. I am shocked, though not surprised, at the way the guards are so sadistic. Though, probably not all. Do you know another offender named Dominic Burton, alias ? You hang in there, bro. Life of a Correctional Officer Life of a Correctional Officer

Life of a Correctional Officer Essay

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Life of a Correctional Officer

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Life of a Correctional Officer

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This video describes a day in the life of a CCA corrections officer. Join the discussion. You must enable JavaScript in your browser to view and post comments. Corrections1 Top 5 2 inmates beat Calif. State Prison 1 More Corrections1 Articles. Corrections Videos. Corruption behind bars 1. Audio recordings from old Ga.]

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