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How to make a mummy - Len Bloch Mummification Mummification

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A 3,year-old Egyptian medical text is shedding new light on the ancient practice of mummification. If there is one thing about ancient Egypt that has captured the popular imagination, it's mummies. These wrapped and preserved bodies have survived for thousands of years, inspiring whole genres of romantic Mummification horror fiction alongside the interest of the scientific community, but even today our understanding of exactly how Mummification were made is incomplete. The basics of mummification are well-known. In a process that was partly Mymmification and partly ritual, priests Mummification up a temporary workshop near the burial site.

Succinct recipes

They then purified the body and the internal organs were removed with the brain being extracted from the Mummification through the nose with a hook. These were stored in special Mummificcation Mummification were interred with the body. Then, over a day period, the body was then stuffed with spices and embalmed. For 35 days, it was packed in powdered natron, which is a natural Mummification of sodium carbonate decahydrate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and sodium sulfate that drew off the water from the cadaver.


Mummification Over the next 35 days the body was wrapped in linen bandages covered in gum, which both kept out water and acted as an anti-microbial protection. After a final two days of funeral rites, the body was then returned to the family for burial. But there are many details of the process that aren't known. This is because, like many Mummification, knowledge was passed down orally through apprenticeships.


On top of that, mummification was a sacred undertaking and the priests carefully guarded their secrets. Until recently, there Mummification two known manuals on mummification, but these are Mummification memory aids to ensure that details were carried out properly. The Copenhagen study is based on a third mummification Mummificatiom that is older than the previously known texts by a thousand years, with many more details included about the process, including recipes and how to use different types of bandages. It also includes details on the practice of placing a piece Mummification red linen over the deceased's face.


This process was repeated at four-day intervals. The Mummification also provides details of some of Mummification rituals Mummification in mummification, with 17 processions carried out every four days during the process.

It's the second longest medical papyrus yet found and deals mainly with herbal medicine and skin diseases, so the topic of mummies wasn't an obvious one to look out for. The papyrus is scheduled to be published in by the Louvre Museum and the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection, which own the two halves of the document. Source: University of Copenhagen. LOG IN. Menu HOME. Search Query Submit Search.]

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