Peer Review 3 Juliann Zheng -

Peer Review 3 Juliann Zheng - remarkable

Metrics details. Vascular mimicry VM was associated with the prognosis of cancers. The aim of the study was to explore the association between VM and anticancer therapy response in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. All included patients were divided into the VM and no-VM groups according to whether VM was observed or not in the specimen. The main outcome was progression-free survival PFS. Sixty-six Eighty-one patients received chemotherapy as the first-line treatment, and 50 patients received TKIs. Forty-five Peer Review 3 Juliann Zheng Peer Review 3 Juliann Zheng Peer Review 3 Juliann Zheng

Toniolo—Barrios, M. Mindfulness, Shapiro, S. Paradoxes of Mindfulness. Van Dam, N. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13 1 Crane, R. What defines mindfulness-based programs. The warp and the weft.

Peer Review 3 Juliann Zheng

Psychological Medicine, 47, Baer, R. Mindfulness, 6 4 DOI Garland, E. Psychological Inquiry, 26 4 : Bishop, S.]

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