Policy Priority Issue The Childhood Obesity - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

Policy Priority Issue The Childhood Obesity

Policy Priority Issue The Childhood Obesity Video

Childhood Obesity Policies and Implications for Preventing Food Addiction Policy Priority Issue The Childhood Obesity

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Home Library DRO home. Submit research Contact DRO. The study aimed to place the cost-effectiveness results within a broad decision-making context by providing an assessment of the key considerations for policy implementation. A multi-state life table Markov cohort model was used to estimate the long-term health impacts quantified as health adjusted life years HALYs and health care cost-savings resulting from each intervention.

Policy Priority Issue The Childhood Obesity

In addition to the technical cost-effectiveness results, qualitative assessments of implementation considerations were undertaken. Eleven interventions were dominant health promoting and cost-saving. Regulatory interventions tended to rank higher on their cost-effectiveness results, driven by lower implementation costs. However, the program-based policy interventions were generally based on higher quality evidence of intervention effectiveness.

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This comparative analysis of the economic credentials of obesity prevention policies for Australia indicates that there are a broad range of policies that are likely to be cost-effective, although policy options vary link strength of evidence for effectiveness, affordability, feasibility, acceptability to stakeholders, equity impact and sustainability.

Implementation of these policies will require sustained co-ordination across jurisdictions and multiple government sectors in order to generate the predicted health benefits for the Australian population. Language eng DOI Free to Read? Attached Files Name.

Policy Priority Issue The Childhood Obesity

Ananthapavan, Jaithri orcid. The aim of the ACE-Obesity Policy study was to assess the economic credentials of a suite of obesity prevention policies across multiple sectors and areas of governance for the Australian setting. Link to full-text open access. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the copyright for items in DRO is owned by the author, with Chilvhood rights reserved.

Policy Priority Issue The Childhood Obesity

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